Bart A. Kamphorst
Bart A. Kamphorst
Utrecht University - Data School
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The explanations people give for going to bed late: a qualitative study of the varieties of bedtime procrastination
S Nauts, BA Kamphorst, W Stut, DTD De Ridder, JH Anderson
Behavioral sleep medicine 17 (6), 753-762, 2019
E-coaching systems: What they are, and what they aren’t
BA Kamphorst
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 21 (4), 625-632, 2017
Bedtime procrastination: a behavioral perspective on sleep insufficiency
FM Kroese, S Nauts, BA Kamphorst, JH Anderson, DTD de Ridder
Procrastination, health, and well-being, 93-119, 2016
Human–agent teamwork in dynamic environments
A van Wissen, Y Gal, BA Kamphorst, MV Dignum
Computers in Human Behavior, 2011
A formal model of procrastination
R Procee, BA Kamphorst, A van Wissen, JJ Meyer
Proceedings of the 25th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 152-159, 2013
Too depleted to turn in: The relevance of end-of-the-day resource depletion for reducing bedtime procrastination
BA Kamphorst, S Nauts, DTD De Ridder, JH Anderson
Frontiers in Psychology 9, 252, 2018
Aversive bedtime routines as a precursor to bedtime procrastination
S Nauts, BA Kamphorst, AE Sutu, R Poortvliet, JH Anderson
European Health Psychologist 18 (2), 80-85, 2016
Why option generation matters for the design of autonomous e-coaching systems
B Kamphorst, A Kalis
AI & society 30, 77-88, 2015
Autonomous e-coaching in the wild: empirical validation of a model-based reasoning system
BA Kamphorst, MCA Klein, A Van Wissen
Proceedings of the 2014 international conference on Autonomous agents and …, 2014
A constraint-based approach to context
A van Wissen, B Kamphorst, R van Eijk
Modeling and Using Context: 8th International and Interdisciplinary …, 2013
Ethics of e-coaching: Implications of employing pervasive computing to promote healthy and sustainable lifestyles
J Anderson, B Kamphorst
2014 IEEE international conference on pervasive computing and communication …, 2014
Introducing a continuous measure of future self-continuity
BA Kamphorst, S Nauts, EM Blouin-Hudon
Social Science Computer Review 35 (3), 417-421, 2017
Incorporating BDI agents into human-agent decision making research
B Kamphorst, A van Wissen, V Dignum
Engineering Societies in the Agents World X, 84-97, 2009
Should uplifting music and smart phone apps count as willpower doping? The extended will and the ethics of enhanced motivation
J Anderson, BA Kamphorst
AJOB Neuroscience 6 (1), 35-37, 2015
Reducing procrastination by scaffolding the formation of implementation intentions
BA Kamphorst
Tracking and nudging through smartphone apps: public health and decisional privacy in a European Health Union
J Van Zeben, BA Kamphorst
European Journal of Risk Regulation 11 (4), 831-840, 2020
Human involvement in e-coaching: Effects on effectiveness, perceived influence and trust
BA Kamphorst, MCA Klein, A van Wissen
Human Behavior Understanding: 5th International Workshop, HBU 2014, Zurich …, 2014
The primacy of human autonomy: understanding agent rights through the human rights framework
B Kamphorst
Rights and Duties of Autonomous Agents (RDA2) 2012, 19-24, 2012
Autonomy-respectful e-coaching systems: Fending off complacency
BA Kamphorst
Universiteit Utrecht, 2020
An agent-based model of procrastination
R Procee, BA Kamphorst, A van Wissen, JJ Meyer
ECAI 2014, 747-752, 2014
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Articles 1–20