Dario Cozzi
Dario Cozzi
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Automatic HDL-based generation of homogeneous hard macros for FPGAs
S Korf, D Cozzi, M Koester, J Hagemeyer, M Porrmann, U Rückert, ...
2011 IEEE 19th Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom …, 2011
A scalable platform for run-time reconfigurable satellite payload processing
J Hagemeyer, A Hilgenstein, D Jungewelter, D Cozzi, C Felicetti, ...
2012 NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems (AHS), 9-16, 2012
Reconfigurable NoC design flow for multiple applications run-time mapping on FPGA devices
D Cozzi, C Farè, A Meroni, V Rana, MD Santambrogio, D Sciuto
Proceedings of the 19th ACM Great Lakes symposium on VLSI, 421-424, 2009
On-line testing of permanent radiation effects in reconfigurable systems
L Cassano, D Cozzi, S Korf, J Hagemeyer, M Porrmann, L Sterpone
Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2013 …, 2013
AXI-based SpaceFibre IP core implementation
D Jungewelter, D Cozzi, D Kleibrink, S Korf, J Hagemeyer, M Porrmann, ...
2014 International SpaceWire Conference (SpaceWire), 1-6, 2014
Run-time reconfigurable, fault-tolerant FPGA systems for space applications
D Cozzi
Dynamisch rekonfigurierbare Hardware als Basistechnologie für intelligente technische Systeme
DIS Korf, DIG Sievers, DIJ Ax, D Cozzi, IT Jungeblut, DIJ Hagemeyer, ...
Proceedings Wissenschaftsforum 2013 Intelligente Technische Systeme, 2013
Exploiting dynamic partial reconfiguration for on-line on-demand testing of permanent faults in reconfigurable systems
D Sorrenti, D Cozzi, S Korf, L Cassano, J Hagemeyer, M Porrmann, ...
2014 IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and …, 2014
An inter-processor communication interface for data-flow centric heterogeneous embedded multiprocessor systems
L Cassano, D Cozzi, D Jungewelter, S Korf, J Hagemeyer, M Porrmann, ...
2014 9th IEEE International Conference on Design & Technology of Integrated …, 2014
Homogeneous Communication Router for Xilinx FPGAs
D Cozzi
Politecnico di Milano, 2009
OLT(RE)2: An On-Line On-Demand Testing Approach for Permanent Radiation Effects in Reconfigurable Systems
D Cozzi, S Korf, L Cassano, J Hagemeyer, A Domenici, C Bernardeschi, ...
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 6 (4), 511-523, 2016
AXI-based SpaceFibre IP CORE Implementation
D Cozzi, D Jungewelter, D Kleibrink, S Korf, J Hagemeyer, M Porrmann, ...
Leveraging dynamic reconfiguration to increase fault-tolerance in FPGA-based satellite systems
S Korf, D Cozzi, D Jungewelter, J Hagemeyer, M Porrmann, J Ilstad
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Artikel 1–13