Till Becker
Till Becker
University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer
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Future Trends in Human Work area Design for Cyber-Physical Production Systems
T Becker, H Stern
Procedia CIRP 57, 404-409, 2016
Stochastic block models: A comparison of variants and inference methods
T Funke, T Becker
PloS one 14 (4), e0215296, 2019
Context Aware Process Mining in Logistics
T Becker, W Intoyoad
Procedia CIRP 63, 557-562, 2017
Development of a Model for the Integration of Human Factors in Cyber-physical Production Systems
H Stern, T Becker
Procedia Manufacturing 9, 151-158, 2017
Dynamics of resource sharing in production networks
M Freitag, T Becker, NA Duffie
CIRP Annals 64 (1), 435-438, 2015
Concept and Evaluation of a Method for the Integration of Human Factors into Human-Oriented Work Design in Cyber-Physical Production Systems
H Stern, T Becker
Sustainability 11 (16), 4508, 2019
Social context-aware recommendation for personalized online learning
W Intayoad, T Becker, P Temdee
Wireless Personal Communications 97, 163-179, 2017
A classification pattern for autonomous control methods in logistics
K Windt, T Becker, O Jeken, A Gelessus
Logistics Research 2, 109-120, 2010
A manufacturing systems network model for the evaluation of complex manufacturing systems
T Becker, M Meyer, K Windt
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 63 (3), 324-340, 2014
Impact of Resource Sharing in Manufacturing on Logistical Key Figures
T Becker, H Stern
Procedia CIRP 41, 579-584, 2016
Using an agent-based neural-network computational model to improve product routing in a logistics facility
T Becker, C Illigen, B McKelvey, M Hülsmann, K Windt
International Journal of Production Economics 174, 156-167, 2016
A multi-criteria decision framework for sustainable supplier selection and order allocation using multi-objective optimization and fuzzy approach
RA Liaqait, SS Warsi, MH Agha, T Zahid, T Becker
Engineering Optimization 54 (6), 928-948, 2022
Towards Definition of Synchronization in Logistics Systems
SM Chankov, T Becker, K Windt
Procedia CIRP 17, 594-599, 2014
Complex networks of material flow in manufacturing and logistics: Modeling, analysis, and prediction using stochastic block models
T Funke, T Becker
Journal of Manufacturing Systems 56, 296-311, 2020
Flow control by periodic devices: a unifying language for the description of traffic, production, and metabolic systems
T Becker, ME Beber, K Windt, MT Hütt, D Helbing
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2011 (05), P05004, 2011
Applying process mining in manufacturing and logistic for large transaction data
W Intayoad, T Becker
Dynamics in Logistics: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference LDIC …, 2018
The impact of network connectivity on performance in production logistic networks
T Becker, ME Beber, K Windt, MT Hütt
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 5 (4), 309-318, 2012
Synchronization measures in job shop manufacturing environments
T Becker, MS Chankov, K Windt
Procedia Cirp 7, 157-162, 2013
Application of a three-component evaluation system for autonomous control in logistics
K Windt, T Philipp, F Böse, T Becker
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of …, 2010
Process maintenance of heterogeneous logistic systems—a process mining approach
T Becker, M Lütjen, R Porzel
Dynamics in Logistics: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC …, 2017
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