Florian Lückenbach
Florian Lückenbach
Koblenz University of Applied Scineces
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Cited by
Strategic orientations and the performance of Social Entrepreneurial Organisations (SEOs): A conceptual model
HJ Schmidt, C Baumgarth, KP Wiedmann, F Lückenbach
Social Business 5 (2), 131-155, 2015
To perform or not to perform? How strategic orientations influence the performance of social entrepreneurship organizations
F Lückenbach, C Baumgarth, HJ Schmidt, J Henseler
Cogent business & management 6 (1), 1647820, 2019
Building brand meaning in social entrepreneurship organizations: the social impact brand model
F Lückenbach, HJ Schmidt, J Henseler
Journal of Brand Management 30 (3), 207-226, 2023
Identity, customer needs or risk-taking? Empirical analysis of the impact of brand, market and entrepreneurial orientation on the performance of Social Entrepreneurship …
F Lückenbach, C Baumgarth, HJ Schmidt, J Henseler
Global Brand Conference 2016, 1-12, 2016
Designing social entrepreneurial brand meaning
F Lückenbach, HJ Schmidt
International Conference on Marketing and Design: Intersections and Challenges, 2018
Bessere Studienbedingungen und Verbesserung der Qualität der Lehre: Laufzeit des Vorhabens: 01.04. 2012 bis 31.12. 2016, Berichtszeitraum: 01.04. 2012 bis 31.12. 2016
A Andreasova, P Gras, P Lachmann, F Lückenbach, J Reinemann, ...
Hochschule Koblenz, University of Applied Sciences, 2017
Markenorientierung von" Social Businesses": Ergebnisse einer Expertenbefragung
HJ Schmidt, F Lückenbach
Wissenschaftliche Schriften des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaften, 2013
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Articles 1–7