Effects of prairie fragmentation on the nest success of breeding birds in the midcontinental United States JR Herkert, DL Reinking, DA Wiedenfeld, M Winter, JL Zimmerman, ... Conservation Biology 17 (2), 587-594, 2003 | 355 | 2003 |
Evidence for edge effects on multiple levels in tallgrass prairie M Winter, DH Johnson, J Faaborg The Condor 102 (2), 256-266, 2000 | 350 | 2000 |
Patterns of area sensitivity in grassland‐nesting birds M Winter, J Faaborg Conservation biology 13 (6), 1424-1436, 1999 | 339 | 1999 |
Patch size and landscape effects on density and nesting success of grassland birds M Winter, DH Johnson, JA Shaffer, TM Donovan, WD Svedarsky The Journal of Wildlife Management 70 (1), 158-172, 2006 | 247 | 2006 |
Variability in vegetation effects on density and nesting success of grassland birds M Winter, DH Johnson, JA Shaffer The Journal of Wildlife Management 69 (1), 185-197, 2005 | 239 | 2005 |
Patterns and biases in climate change research on amphibians and reptiles: a systematic review M Winter, W Fiedler, WM Hochachka, A Koehncke, S Meiri, I De la Riva Royal Society Open Science 3 (9), 160158, 2016 | 155 | 2016 |
Nesting biology of Dickcissels and Henslow's Sparrows in southwestern Missouri prairie fragments M Winter The Wilson Bulletin, 515-526, 1999 | 146 | 1999 |
Guidelines for finding nests of passerine birds in tallgrass prairie M Winter, SE Hawks, JA Shaffer, DH Johnson USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, 160, 2003 | 134 | 2003 |
Flooding and predation: Trade-offs in the nesting ecology of tidal-marsh sparrows R Greenberg, C Elphick, JC Nordby, C Gjerdrum, H Spautz, G Shriver, ... Studies in avian biology 32, 96, 2006 | 96 | 2006 |
Nesting biology of three grassland passerines in the northern tallgrass prairie M Winter, DH Johnson, JA Shaffer, WD Svedarsky The Wilson Bulletin 116 (3), 211-223, 2004 | 58 | 2004 |
Effect of habitat fragmentation on grassland-nesting birds in southwestern Missouri M Winter University of Missouri-Columbia, 1998 | 52 | 1998 |
Habitat and nesting of Le Conte's Sparrows in the northern tallgrass prairie M Winter, JA Shaffer, DH Johnson, TM Donovan, WD Svedarsky, ... Journal of Field Ornithology 76 (1), 61-71, 2005 | 44 | 2005 |
Relationship of fire history to territory size, breeding density, and habitat of Baird's Sparrow in North Dakota M Winter Studies in Avian Biology 19, 171-177, 1999 | 29 | 1999 |
Influence of trees in the landscape on parasitism rates of grassland passerine nests in southeastern North Dakota PJ Pietz, DA Buhl, JA Shaffer, M Winter, DH Johnson The Condor 111 (1), 36-42, 2009 | 28 | 2009 |
Does body size affect a bird's sensitivity to patch size and landscape structure? M Winter, DH Johnson, JA Shaffer The Condor 108 (4), 808-816, 2006 | 22 | 2006 |
Advantages, disadvantages, and reasons for non-adoption of rotational grazing, herbal leys, trees on farms and ley-arable rotations on English livestock farms MW Jordon, DM Winter, G Petrokofsky Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 47 (3), 330-354, 2023 | 14 | 2023 |
Sources of variation in singing probability of Florida grasshopper sparrows, and implications for design and analysis of auditory surveys WM Hochachka, M Winter, RA Charif The Condor 111 (2), 349-360, 2009 | 14 | 2009 |
Habitat selection of Baird’s Sparrows in the northern mixed-grass prairie M Winter Diplomar-Beit, Tubingen Universidad, Tubingen, Germany, 1994 | 14 | 1994 |
Evaluation of the bird conservation area concept in the northern tallgrass prairie: Annual report 2001 M Winter, DH Johnson, JA Dechant, TM Donovan, WD Svedarsky | 10 | 2001 |
Reserve design for grasslands: Considerations for bird populations DH Johnson, M Winter US Geological Survey, Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, 1999 | 9 | 1999 |