Carlos M. Fernandes
Carlos M. Fernandes
Professor of Computer Science, COPELABS, Lusófona University
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A study on non-random mating and varying population size in genetic algorithms using a royal road function
C Fernandes, A Rosa
Proceedings of the 2001 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE Cat. No …, 2001
Combination of heterogeneous EEG feature extraction methods and stacked sequential learning for sleep stage classification
LJ Herrera, CM Fernandes, AM Mora, D Migotina, R Largo, A Guillén, ...
International journal of neural systems 23 (03), 1350012, 2013
Self-regulated artificial ant colonies on digital image habitats
C Fernandes, V Ramos, AC Rosa
arXiv preprint cs/0512004, 2005
Improving genetic algorithms performance via deterministic population shrinkage
JLJ Laredo, C Fernandes, JJ Merelo, C Gagné
Proceedings of the 11th Annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2009
A cellular memetic algorithm for the examination timetabling problem
N Leite, CM Fernandes, F Melicio, AC Rosa
Computers & Operations Research 94, 118-138, 2018
Effect of noisy fitness in real-time strategy games player behaviour optimisation using evolutionary algorithms
AM Mora, A Fernández-Ares, JJ Merelo, P García-Sánchez, ...
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 27 (5), 1007-1023, 2012
Resilience to churn of a peer-to-peer evolutionary algorithm
JLJ Laredo, PA Castillo, AM Mora, JJ Merelo, C Fernandes
International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture 1 (4), 260-268, 2008
Optimizing player behavior in a real-time strategy game using evolutionary algorithms
A Fernández-Ares, AM Mora, JJ Merelo, P García-Sánchez, C Fernandes
2011 IEEE congress of evolutionary computation (CEC), 2017-2024, 2011
Social cognitive maps, swarm perception and distributed search on dynamic landscapes
V Ramos, C Fernandes, AC Rosa
arXiv preprint nlin/0502057, 2005
KANTS: a stigmergic ant algorithm for cluster analysis and swarm art
CM Fernandes, AM Mora, JJ Merelo, AC Rosa
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 44 (6), 843-856, 2013
Kohonants: a self-organizing ant algorithm for clustering and pattern classification
C Fernandes, AM Mora, JJ Merelo, V Ramos, JLJ Laredo
arXiv preprint arXiv:0803.2695, 2008
Varying the population size of artificial foraging swarms on time varying landscapes
C Fernandes, V Ramos, AC Rosa
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 311-316, 2005
High school weekly timetabling by evolutionary algorithms
C Fernandes, JP Caldeira, F Melicio, A Rosa
Proceedings of the 1999 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 344-350, 1999
Using assortative mating in genetic algorithms for vector quantization problems
C Fernandes, R Tavares, C Munteanu, A Rosa
Proceedings of the 2001 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 361-365, 2001
Self-regulated population size in evolutionary algorithms
C Fernandes, A Rosa
International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 920-929, 2006
Symbolic representation of the EEG for sleep stage classification
LJ Herrera, AM Mora, C Fernandes, D Migotina, A Guillén, AC Rosa
2011 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and …, 2011
Binary ant algorithm
CM Fernandes, AC Rosa, V Ramos
Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2007
niGAVaPS—outbreeding in genetic algorithms
C Fernandes, R Tavares, AC Rosa
Proceedings of the 2000 ACM symposium on Applied computing-Volume 1, 477-482, 2000
A self-organized criticality mutation operator for dynamic optimization problems
CM Fernandes, JJ Merelo, V Ramos, AC Rosa
Proceedings of the 10th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2008
Self-adjusting the intensity of assortative mating in genetic algorithms
C Fernandes, AC Rosa
Soft computing 12, 955-979, 2008
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