Lisa Perkhofer (Falschlunger)
Lisa Perkhofer (Falschlunger)
Professor of Managerial Accounting at MCI The Entrepreneurial School
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Interactive visualization of big data in the field of accounting: A survey of current practice and potential barriers for adoption
LM Perkhofer, P Hofer, C Walchshofer, T Plank, HC Jetter
Journal of Applied Accounting Research 20 (4), 497-525, 2019
Impression management in annual reports of the largest European companies: A longitudinal study on graphical representations
LM Falschlunger, C Eisl, H Losbichler, AM Greil
Journal of Applied Accounting Research 16 (3), 383-399, 2015
Using Gaze Behavior to Measure Cognitive Load
L Perkhofer, L Othmar
Neuro IS, 1-10, 2018
InfoVis: The Impact of Information Overload on Decision Making Outcome in High Complexity Settings
L Falschlunger, O Lehner, H Treiblmaier
SIGHCI 2016 Proceedings, 1-6, 2016
Does design matter when visualizing Big Data? An empirical study to investigate the effect of visualization type and interaction use
L Perkhofer, C Walchshofer, P Hofer
Journal of Management Control 31 (1), 55-95, 2020
Cognitive differences and their impact on information perception: an empirical study combining survey and eye tracking data
L Falschlunger, H Treiblmaier, O Lehner, E Grabmann
Information Systems and Neuroscience: Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS 2015, 137-144, 2015
Visual representation of information as an antecedent of perceptive efficiency: the effect of experience
L Falschlunger, O Lehner, H Treiblmaier, C Eisl
2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 668-676, 2016
BIG data visualisierungen 2.0. Optimale Gestaltung und Einsatz neuartiger Visualisierungsmöglichkeiten
L Perkhofer, P Hofer, C Walchshofer
Proceedings of CARF, 76-104, 2019
Sankey, Sunburst & Co–Interaktive Big Data Visualisierungen im Usability Test
P Hofer, C Walchshofer, C Eisl, A Mayr, L Perkhofer
Proceedings of CARF, 92-112, 2018
Reporting design–a systematic literature review
C Eisl, L Falschlunger, P Hofer, M Jungert
Journal of Finance and Risk Perspectives 2 (2), 27-47, 2013
Improving information perception of graphical displays–an experimental study on the display of column graphs
L Falschlunger, C Eisl, H Losbichler, A Greil
Václav Skala-UNION Agency, 2014
An empirical study of task-specific limitations of the overview+ detail technique for interactive time series analysis
J Friedl, B Zimmer, L Perkhofer, J Zenisek, P Hofer, HC Jetter
Procedia Computer Science 180, 628-638, 2021
Deriving a holistic cognitive fit model for an optimal visualization of data for management decisions
L Falschlunger, E Grabmann, O Lehner, H Losbichler
2nd International Symposium on Partial Least Squares Path Modeling-The …, 2015
Reporting Design. Status quo und neue Wege in der Gestaltung des internen und externen Berichtswesens
C Eisl, H Losbichler, L Falschlunger, B Fischer, P Hofer
FH Oberösterreich, 2012
Efficiency, efficacy and subjective user satisfaction of alternative laboratory report formats. An investigation on behalf of the Working Group for Postanalytical Phase (WG …
J Cadamuro, J Winzer, L Perkhofer, A von Meyer, JM Bauça, ...
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM) 60 (9), 1356-1364, 2022
Interaktive Big Data Visualisierungen–Potenzial für das Management Reporting: Eine Zusammenfassung empirischer Untersuchungen zur Auswahl, zum Einsatz und zum Design neuartiger …
P Hofer, L Perkhofer, A Mayr
Die Digitalisierung der Controlling-Funktion: Anwendungsbeispiele aus …, 2020
Designing visualizations to identify and assess correlations and trends: An experimental study based on price developments
L Perkhofer, C Walchshofer, P Hofer
17th Finance, Risk and Accounting Perspectives Conference (FRAP), 294-340, 2019
A cognitive load-theoretic famework for information visualization
L Perkhofer
17th Finance, Risk and Accounting Perspectives Conference (FRAP), 9-25, 2019
Information Design in den Geschäftsberichten der Dax 30-Unternehmen: Eine empirische Studie der FH Oberösterreich und von KPMG
C Eisl, H Losbichler, L Falschlunger, E Grabmann, D Hofer, A Greil
Interactive Big Data visualizations: Potential for management reporting: A summary of empirical studies on the selection, use, and design of novel visualization types
P Hofer, L Perkhofer, A Mayr
The digitalization of management accounting: Use cases from theory and …, 2023
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