Martin Schrepp
Martin Schrepp
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Construction and evaluation of a user experience questionnaire
B Laugwitz, T Held, M Schrepp
HCI and Usability for Education and Work: 4th Symposium of the Workgroup …, 2008
Design and evaluation of a short version of the user experience questionnaire (UEQ-S)
M Schrepp, A Hinderks, J Thomaschewski
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence …, 2017
Construction of a benchmark for the user experience questionnaire (UEQ)
M Schrepp, A Hinderks, J Thomaschewski
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence …, 2017
Applying the user experience questionnaire (UEQ) in different evaluation scenarios
M Schrepp, A Hinderks, J Thomaschewski
Design, User Experience, and Usability. Theories, Methods, and Tools for …, 2014
User experience questionnaire handbook
M Schrepp
All you need to know to apply the UEQ successfully in your project, 50-52, 2015
Efficient measurement of the user experience of interactive products. How to use the user experience questionnaire (UEQ). Example: Spanish language version
M Rauschenberger, M Schrepp, M Pérez Cota, S Olschner, ...
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence …, 2013
Measuring user experience of the student-centered e-learning environment.
HB Santoso, M Schrepp, R Isal, AY Utomo, B Priyogi
Journal of Educators Online 13 (1), 58-79, 2016
Developing a UX KPI based on the user experience questionnaire
A Hinderks, M Schrepp, FJD Mayo, MJ Escalona, J Thomaschewski
Computer Standards & Interfaces 65, 38-44, 2019
Konstruktion eines Fragebogens zur Messung der User Experience von Softwareprodukten.
B Laugwitz, M Schrepp, T Held
MuC, 125-134, 2006
On the Usage of Cronbach's Alpha to Measure Reliability of UX Scales.
M Schrepp
Journal of Usability Studies 15 (4), 2020
Design and validation of a framework for the creation of user experience questionnaires
M Schrepp, J Thomaschewski
IJIMAI 5 (7), 88-95, 2019
Evaluating User Experience of a Mobile Health Application Halodoc using User Experience Questionnaire and Usability Testing
MAK Mochammad Aldi Kushendriawan, HBS Harry Budi Santoso, ...
Jurnal Sistem Informasi (Journal of Information System) 17 (1), 58-71, 2021
The influence of hedonic quality on the attractiveness of user interfaces of business management software
M Schrepp, T Held, B Laugwitz
Interacting with Computers 18 (5), 1055-1069, 2006
Segmentation model user interface
C Fastabend, T Brinkmann, G Lammers, M Schrepp, S Bicker
US Patent 7,974,992, 2011
Efficient measurement of the user experience. A Portuguese version
MP Cota, J Thomaschewski, M Schrepp, R Gonçalves
Procedia Computer Science 27, 491-498, 2014
A Benchmark for the Short Version of the User Experience Questionnaire.
A Hinderks, M Schrepp, J Thomaschewski
WEBIST, 373-377, 2018
A method for the analysis of hierarchical dependencies between items of a questionnaire
M Schrepp
Methods of Psychological Research Online 19 (1), 43-79, 2003
Applicability of user experience and usability questionnaires
A Hinderks, D Winter, M Schrepp, J Thomaschewski
Journal of Universal Computer Science, 25 (13), 1717-1735., 2019
The impact of culture and product on the subjective importance of user experience aspects
HB Santoso, M Schrepp
Heliyon 5 (9), 2019
Handbook for the modular extension of the User Experience Questionnaire
M Schrepp, J Thomaschewski
Mensch & Computer, 1-19, 2019
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