Fredrik Manne
Fredrik Manne
Department of Informatics, University of Bergen
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What color is your Jacobian? Graph coloring for computing derivatives
AH Gebremedhin, F Manne, A Pothen
SIAM review 47 (4), 629-705, 2005
A new scalable parallel DBSCAN algorithm using the disjoint-set data structure
MMA Patwary, D Palsetia, A Agrawal, W Liao, F Manne, A Choudhary
SC'12: Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance …, 2012
Scalable parallel graph coloring algorithms
AH Gebremedhin, F Manne
Concurrency: Practice and Experience 12 (12), 1131-1146, 2000
A parallel approximation algorithm for the weighted maximum matching problem
F Manne, RH Bisseling
International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 708-717, 2007
New acyclic and star coloring algorithms with application to computing Hessians
AH Gebremedhin, A Tarafdar, F Manne, A Pothen
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 29 (3), 1042-1072, 2007
A framework for scalable greedy coloring on distributed-memory parallel computers
D Bozdağ, AH Gebremedhin, F Manne, EG Boman, UV Catalyurek
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 68 (4), 515-535, 2008
On the complexity of the generalized block distribution
M Grigni, F Manne
Parallel Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems: Third International …, 1996
A scalable parallel graph coloring algorithm for distributed memory computers
EG Boman, D Bozdağ, U Catalyurek, AH Gebremedhin, F Manne
Euro-Par 2005 Parallel Processing: 11th International Euro-Par Conference …, 2005
Efficient partitioning of sequences
B Olstad, F Manne
IEEE Transactions on Computers 44 (11), 1322-1326, 1995
Partitioning an array onto a mesh of processors
F Manne, T Sørevik
International Workshop on Applied Parallel Computing, 467-477, 1996
Experiments on union-find algorithms for the disjoint-set data structure
MMA Patwary, J Blair, F Manne
Experimental Algorithms: 9th International Symposium, SEA 2010, Ischia …, 2010
New effective multithreaded matching algorithms
F Manne, M Halappanavar
2014 IEEE 28th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2014
Scalable parallel OPTICS data clustering using graph algorithmic techniques
MA Patwary, D Palsetia, A Agrawal, W Liao, F Manne, A Choudhary
Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing …, 2013
Efficient matrix multiplication on SIMD computers
P Bjørstad, F Manne, T Sørevik, M Vajteršic
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 13 (1), 386-401, 1992
A new self-stabilizing maximal matching algorithm
F Manne, M Mjelde, L Pilard, S Tixeuil
Theoretical Computer Science 410 (14), 1336-1345, 2009
Multi-core spanning forest algorithms using the disjoint-set data structure
MMA Patwary, P Refsnes, F Manne
2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2012
Efficient Approximation Algorithms for Weighted -Matching
A Khan, A Pothen, M Mostofa Ali Patwary, NR Satish, N Sundaram, ...
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 38 (5), S593-S619, 2016
Automated image analysis as a tool to quantify the colour and composition of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss W.) cutlets
LH Stien, F Manne, K Ruohonene, A Kause, K Rungruangsak-Torrissen, ...
Aquaculture 261 (2), 695-705, 2006
Heuristic initialization for bipartite matching problems
J Langguth, F Manne, P Sanders
Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA) 15, 1.1-1.22, 2010
Rapid estimation of fat content in salmon fillets by colour image analysis
LH Stien, A Kiessling, F Manne
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 20 (2), 73-79, 2007
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