Nils Niessen
Nils Niessen
RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Transport Science
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Zitiert von
Capacity analysis of railway lines in Germany–A rigorous discussion of the queueing based approach
N Weik, N Niebel, N Nießen
Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management 6 (2), 99-115, 2016
Extending UIC 406-based capacity analysis–New approaches for railway nodes and network effects
N Weik, J Warg, I Johansson, M Bohlin, N Nießen
Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management 15, 100199, 2020
The influence of buffer time distributions in delay propagation modelling of railway networks
S Zieger, N Weik, N Nießen
Journal of rail transport planning & management 8 (3-4), 220-232, 2018
Leistungskenngrößen für Gesamtfahrstraßenknoten
N Nießen
Veröffentlichungen des Verkehrswissenschaftlichen Institutes der RWTH Aachen, 2008
A quasi-birth-and-death process approach for integrated capacity and reliability modeling of railway systems
N Weik, N Nießen
Journal of rail transport planning & management 7 (3), 114-126, 2017
Quantifying the effects of running time variability on the capacity of rail corridors
N Weik, N Nießen
Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management 15, 100203, 2020
Assistierter, automatischer oder autonomer Betrieb – Potentiale für den Schienenverkehr
N Nießen, C Schindler, D Vallée
Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau (ETR) 66 (4), 32-37, 2017
Waiting and loss probabilities for route nodes
N Nießen
Proc. Of the 5th International Seminar on Railway Operations Modelling and …, 2013
N Nießen
Railway Timetabling & Operations, 117-131, 2014
DFT modeling approach for operational risk assessment of railway infrastructure
N Weik, M Volk, JP Katoen, N Nießen
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 24 (3), 331-350, 2022
Calculating the maximal number of additional freight trains in a railway network
C Meirich, N Nießen
Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management 6 (3), 200-217, 2016
Opportunities and challenges for the demand-responsive transport using highly automated and autonomous rail units in rural areas
S Zieger, N Niessen
2021 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 77-82, 2021
Probabilistic simulation of a railway timetable
R Haehn, E Ábrahám, N Nießen
20th Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling …, 2020
A DFT modeling approach for infrastructure reliability analysis of railway station areas
M Volk, N Weik, JP Katoen, N Nießen
Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems: 24th International …, 2019
Grundlagen zur Simulation der Fahrplanerstellung und Betriebsabwicklung
A Kuckelberg, D Janecek, N Nießen
ETR. Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau 62 (7+8), 50-55, 2013
Stochastische Modelle in der Eisenbahnbetriebswissenschaft
E Wendler, N Nießen
ZEVrail Glasers Annalen 132 (1-2), 40-48, 2008
Infrastrukturmodellierung für die strategische Netzplanung
N Nießen, E Wendler
20. Verkehrswissenschaftliche Tage, Dresden 20, 2005
Kapazitätsermittlung von Eisenbahnknoten und-strecken
D Janecek, A Kuckelberg, N Nießen
ETR. Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau 61 (10), 30-36, 2012
Moses / Wizug - Strategic modelling and simulation tool for rail freight transportation
Schneider, W, A Oetting, N Nießen
European Transport Conference, Straßbourg, 2003
A survey on the acceptance of unattended trains
A Morast, GMI Voß, PSC Dautzenberg, P Urban, N Nießen
Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management 25, 100370, 2023
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