Robert E. Kayen
Robert E. Kayen
Civil & Environmental Engineering, U.C. Berkeley
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Standard penetration test-based probabilistic and deterministic assessment of seismic soil liquefaction potential
KO Cetin, RB Seed, A Der Kiureghian, K Tokimatsu, LF Harder Jr, ...
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 130 (12), 1314-1340, 2004
Recent advances in soil liquefaction engineering: a unified and consistent framework
RB Seed, KO Cetin, RES Moss, AM Kammerer, J Wu, JM Pestana, ...
Proceedings of the 26th Annual ASCE Los Angeles Geotechnical Spring Seminar …, 2003
CPT-based probabilistic and deterministic assessment of in situ seismic soil liquefaction potential
RE Moss, RB Seed, RE Kayen, JP Stewart, A Der Kiureghian, KO Cetin
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 132 (8), 1032-1051, 2006
Shear-wave velocity–based probabilistic and deterministic assessment of seismic soil liquefaction potential
R Kayen, RES Moss, EM Thompson, RB Seed, KO Cetin, AD Kiureghian, ...
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 139 (3), 407-419, 2013
The 2002 Denali fault earthquake, Alaska: A large magnitude, slip-partitioned event
D Eberhart-Phillips, PJ Haeussler, JT Freymueller, AD Frankel, CM Rubin, ...
Science 300 (5622), 1113-1118, 2003
OpenSees command language manual. Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
S Mazzoni, et al.
University of California, Berkeley, 2007
Assessment of liquefaction potential during earthquakes by Arias intensity
RE Kayen, JK Mitchell
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 123 (12), 1162-1174, 1997
Pleistocene slope instability of gas hydrate‐laden sediment on the Beaufort Sea margin
RE Kayen, HJ Lee
Marine Georesources & Geotechnology 10 (1-2), 125-141, 1991
Evaluation of SPT-, CPT-, and shear wave-based methods for liquefaction potential assessment using Loma Prieta data
RE Kayen, JK Mitchell, A Lodge, RBA Seed, C Nishio, S.
Proceedings of the Fourth Japan - U.S.Workshop on Earthquake Resistant …, 1992
A taxonomy of site response complexity
EM Thompson, LG Baise, Y Tanaka, RE Kayen
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 41, 32-43, 2012
Preliminary report on the principal geotechnical aspects of the October 17, 1989, Loma Prieta earthquake
RB Seed, et al.
Report No. UCB/EERC-90/05, 1990
Near-field ground motion of the 2002 Denali fault, Alaska, earthquake recorded at pump station 10
WL Ellsworth, M Celebi, JR Evans, EG Jensen, R Kayen, MC Metz, ...
Earthquake spectra 20 (3), 597-615, 2004
Ground motion, loma prieta earthquake reconnaissance report
L Benuska, et al.
Earthquake Spectra 6, 25-80, 1990
Impediments to predicting site response: Seismic property estimation and modeling simplifications
EM Thompson, LG Baise, RE Kayen, BB Guzina
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 99 (5), 2927-2949, 2009
Investigation of the Performance of the New Orleans Flood Protection System in Hurricane Katrina on August 29, 2005: Volume 2
RB Seed, RG Bea, RI Abdelmalak, AG Athanasopoulos, GP Boutwell Jr, ...
Independent Levee Investigation Team: Final Report 2, 2006
SPT-based probabilistic and deterministic assessment of seismic soil liquefaction triggering hazard
KO Cetin, RB Seed, RE Kayen, RES Moss, HT Bilge, M Ilgac, ...
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 115, 698-709, 2018
Measurements in the bottom boundary layer on the Amazon subaqueous delta
DA Cacchione, DE Drake, RE Kayen, RW Sternberg, GC Kineke, GB Tate
Marine Geology 125 (3-4), 235-257, 1995
Landslides and liquefaction triggered by the M 7.9 Denali fault earthquake of 3 November 2002
EL Harp, RW Jibson, RE Kayen, DK Keefer, BL Sherrod, GA Carver, ...
GSA today 13 (8), 4-10, 2003
Liquefaction at strong motion stations and in Urayasu City during the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake
BR Cox, RW Boulanger, K Tokimatsu, CM Wood, A Abe, S Ashford, ...
Earthquake Spectra 29 (1_suppl), 55-80, 2013
Terrestrial-LIDAR visualization of surface and structural deformations of the 2004 Niigata Ken Chuetsu, Japan, earthquake
R Kayen, RT Pack, J Bay, S Sugimoto, H Tanaka
Earthquake Spectra 22 (1_suppl), 147-162, 2006
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Articles 1–20