Tyge-F. Kummer
Tyge-F. Kummer
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Green initiatives and their competitive advantage for the hotel industry in developing countries
K Singjai, L Winata, TF Kummer
International Journal of Hospitality Management 75, 131-143, 2018
The effectiveness of fraud detection instruments in not-for-profit organizations
TF Kummer, K Singh, P Best
Managerial Auditing Journal 30 (4/5), 435-455, 2015
A framework for the study of positive deviance in organizations
W Mertens, J Recker, T Kohlborn, TF Kummer
Deviant Behavior 37 (11), 1288-1307, 2016
Technology-induced anxiety: manifestations, cultural influences, and its effect on the adoption of sensor-based technology in German and Australian hospitals
TF Kummer, J Recker, M Bick
Information & Management 54 (1), 73-89, 2017
Evaluating the impact of online discussion boards on student engagement with group work
D Delaney, TF Kummer, K Singh
British Journal of Educational Technology 50 (2), 902-920, 2019
Constructive deviance as a driver for performance in retail
W Mertens, J Recker, TF Kummer, T Kohlborn, S Viaene
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 30, 193-203, 2016
Enhancing understandability of process models through cultural-dependent color adjustments
TF Kummer, J Recker, J Mendling
Decision Support Systems 87, 1-12, 2016
Acceptance of hospital nurses toward sensor-based medication systems: a questionnaire survey
TF Kummer, K Schäfer, N Todorova
International journal of nursing studies 50 (4), 508-517, 2013
On the importance of national culture for the design of information systems
TF Kummer, JM Leimeister, M Bick
Business & Information Systems Engineering 4, 317-330, 2012
Determining the performance of website-based relationship marketing
K Schäfer, TF Kummer
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (18), 7571-7578, 2013
Reviewing the role of culture in strategic information systems research: A call for prescriptive theorizing on culture management
TF Kummer, T Schmiedel
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 38 (1), 5, 2016
Ambient intelligence and ubiquitous computing
M Bick, TF Kummer
Handbook on Information Technologies for Education and Training, 79-100, 2008
Why do we share where we are? The influence of situational factors on the conditional value of check-in services
TF Kummer, S Ryschka, M Bick
Decision Support Systems 115, 1-12, 2018
The influence of situation-dependent factors on mobile shopping usage
L Wolf, M Bick, TF Kummer
Kosten-und Erlösrechnung: Anschaulich, kompakt, praxisnah
O Plötner, B Sieben, TF Kummer
Springer-Verlag, 2010
Looking beyond the hype: The challenges of blockchain adoption in accounting
M Akter, TF Kummer, O Yigitbasioglu
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 53, 100681, 2024
Ambient intelligence in medical environments and devices: Qualitative Studie zu Nutzenpotentialen ambienter Technologien in Krankenhäusern
M Bick, TF Kummer, W Rössig
ESCP-EAP, 2008
The effect of risk representation using colors and symbols in business process models on operational risk management performance
TF Kummer, J Mendling
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 22 (3), 649-694, 2021
Does personality still matter in e-commerce? How perceived hubris influences the assessment of founders’ trustworthiness using the example of reward-based crowdfunding
J Sundermeier, TF Kummer
Electronic Markets 32 (3), 1127-1144, 2022
Standards for ambient learning environments
M Bick, T Kummer, JM Pawlowski, P Veith
MMS 2007: Mobilitat und Mobile Informationssysteme, 2nd Conference of GI …, 2007
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