Mirko Mancin
Mirko Mancin
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Design and deployment of an IoT application-oriented testbed
L Belli, S Cirani, L Davoli, A Gorrieri, M Mancin, M Picone, G Ferrari
Computer 48 (9), 32-40, 2015
An open-source and low-cost monitoring system for precision enology
SF Di Gennaro, A Matese, M Mancin, J Primicerio, A Palliotti
Sensors 14 (12), 23388-23397, 2014
Virtual replication of iot hubs in the cloud: A flexible approach to smart object management
S Cirani, G Ferrari, M Mancin, M Picone
Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 7 (2), 16, 2018
An ontology designed for supporting an AAL experience in the framework of the FOOD project
M Mordonini, G Matrella, M Mancin, M Pesci
Ambient Assisted Living: Italian Forum 2014, 253-263, 2015
for a Successful Smart City
M Lorenzi, M Mancin, S Cagol
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