Aurelija Ulbinaite
Aurelija Ulbinaite
Business Department, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vilnius University
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Comparative analysis of company performance evaluation methods
J Narkunienė, A Ulbinaitė
Entrepreneurship and sustainability issues 6 (1), 125-138, 2018
Determinants of insurance purchase decision making in Lithuania
A Ulbinaite, M Kucinskiene, Y Le Moullec
Inzinerine Ekonomika 24 (2), 144-159, 2013
Towards an ABM-based framework for investigating consumer behaviour in the insurance industry
A Ulbinaitė, Y Le Moullec
Ekonomika 89 (2), 95-110, 2010
Insurance service purchase decision-making rationale: expert-based evidence from Lithuania
A Ulbinaitė, M Kučinskienė
Ekonomika 92 (2), 137-155, 2013
Conceptualising and simulating insurance consumer behaviour: An agent-based-model approach
A Ulbinaite, M Kucinskiene, Y Le Moullec
International Journal of Modeling and Optimization 1 (3), 250-257, 2011
Comparative analysis of company performance evaluation methods. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 6 (1), 125-138
J Narkunienė, A Ulbinaitė
The complexity of the insurance purchase decision making process
A Ulbinaite, M Kucinskiene, Y Le Moullec
Transformations in Business & Economics 13 (3), 197 - 218, 2014
The complexity of the insurance purchase decision making process
A Ulbinaite
Smithy of ideas 2011: scientific camp Book of abstracts (Lithuanian Society …, 2011
Žinių valdymo procesų ir verslo procesų integracijos sąveikos vertinimo modelis
A Ulbinaitė, J Gribovskis
Informacijos mokslai 88, 142-166, 2020
Assessment criteria of project risk management in language translation service companies
A Zaveckaite, A Ulbinaite
Technological and Economic Development of Economy 24 (4), 1323-1343, 2018
Vartotojų elgsenos ypatumų draudimo paslaugų vartojimo atžvilgiu teoriniai aspektai
A Ulbinaitė
Business Management and Education. Conference paper, 2010
The relationship between insurance market and macroeconomic indicators in the Baltic states
M Simionescu, A Ulbinaitė
International Journal of Baltic Studies, 2021
Non-consumption of insurance services due to the availability of alternatives: empirical evidence from Lithuania
A Ulbinaite
3rd International Scientific Conference “Practice and Research in Private …, 2013
Integration of the decoy effect in an agentbased-model simulation of insurance consumer behaviour
A Ulbinaitė, M Kučinskienė, Y Le Moullec
2011 International Conference on Software and Computer Applications IPCSIT …, 2011
Framework for evaluating the relationship between the omnichannel online sales approach and performance outcome in the case of niche products
V Urbaitytė, A Ulbinaitė
Business and management 2020: 11th international scientific conference, May …, 2020
Pensijų fondų dalyvių finansinis raštingumas ir investicijų bei rizikos valdymas planuojant pensiją
Ž Glinevičius, A Ulbinaitė
VU EF studentų mokslinės draugijos konferencija: straipsnių rinkinys, 2015 …, 2016
Entrepreneurship promotion as a tool to counter youth emigration
A Petronytė, A Ulbinaitė
International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, 2021
Evaluation of the relationship between youth entrepreneurship and emigration intentions: theoretical-methodological aspects
A Petronytė, A Ulbinaitė
Contemporary issues in business, management and economics engineering …, 2019
Tradicinių, elektroninių ir daugiakanalių pardavimų metodų ir rezultatų sąryšio vertinimo teoriniai aspektai
G Piatkovskytė, A Ulbinaitė
Informacijos mokslai. 83, 121-141, 2018
Business integration as a strategy of growth in the social media and network markets: The case of Facebook
SB Zapata, A Ulbinaitė
Knowing enough to be dangerous: The dark side of empowering employees with …, 2017
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Articles 1–20