Michael Klesel
Michael Klesel
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
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A test for multigroup comparison using partial least squares path modeling
M Klesel, F Schuberth, J Henseler, B Niehaves
Internet research 29 (3), 464-477, 2019
Success factors for the adoption of artificial intelligence in organizations: A literature review
P Hamm, M Klesel
Multigroup analysis in information systems research using PLS-PM: A systematic investigation of approaches
M Klesel, F Schuberth, B Niehaves, J Henseler
ACM SIGMIS Database: The DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems 53 (3 …, 2022
Explanation matters: An experimental study on explainable AI
P Hamm, M Klesel, P Coberger, HF Wittmann
Electronic Markets 33 (1), 17, 2023
Perpetrators in League of Legends: Scale Development and Validation of Toxic Behavior
B Kordyaka, M Klesel, K Jahn
Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2019
Putting flesh on the duality of structure: the case of IT consumerization
G Mokosch, M Klesel, B Niehaves
Proceedings of the 21st Americas Conference on Information Systems, 1-10, 2015
Individual boundary Management: an Empirical Investigation on Technology-Related Tactics.
K Jahn, M Klesel, K Lemmer, A Weigel, B Niehaves
PACIS, 268, 2016
Exploring psychological ownership of IT: An empirical study
M Klesel, M Ndicu, B Niehaves
Where are your thoughts? On the relationship between technology use and mind wandering
FM Oschinsky, M Klesel, N Ressel, B Niehaves
Conceptualizing IT Resilience: An Explorative Approach.
M Klesel, N Narjes, B Niehaves
MKWI, 1008-1019, 2018
On experiments in design science research and theory development: A literature review
H Kampling, M Klesel, B Niehaves
2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 4454-4463, 2016
Does the type of mind wandering matter? Extending the inquiry about the role of mind wandering in the IT use experience
M Klesel, FM Oschinsky, C Conrad, B Niehaves
Internet Research 31 (3), 1018-1039, 2021
Does the ability to choose matter? On the relationship between bring-your-own behavior and IT satisfaction
M Klesel, H Kampling, U Bretschneider, B Niehaves
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 43 (1), 36, 2018
Explain it to me and I will use it: a proposal on the impact of explainable AI on use behavior
P Hamm, HF Wittmann, M Klesel
Creativity loading–please wait! Investigating the relationship between interruption, mind wandering and creativity
TL Baumgart, M Klesel, FM Oschinsky, B Niehaves
Empirical Insights on Individual Innovation behaviour: a Qualitative Study on IT-Consumerization.
M Mueller, M Klesel, O Heger, B Niehaves
PACIS, 201, 2016
To be or not to be stressed: Designing autonomy to reduce stress at work
A Zeuge, K Lemmer, M Klesel, B Kordyaka, K Jahn, B Niehaves
Work 75 (4), 1199-1213, 2023
Are employees following the rules? On the effectiveness of IT consumerization policies
MM Klesel, S Weber, F Walsdorff, B Niehaves
14th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik 2019, 2019
Can virtual realities reduce the gap between organizations? Insights from a case study on the potential of VR-supported perspective taking
A Weigel, J Hoffmann, M Klesel
How autonomy is used in information systems research: status quo and prospective opportunities
S Weber, M Klesel, FM Oschinsky, B Niehaves
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