Martin Grothaus
Martin Grothaus
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Hypocoercivity for Kolmogorov backward evolution equations and applications
M Grothaus, P Stilgenbauer
Journal of Functional Analysis 267 (10), 3515-3556, 2014
Construction of relativistic quantum fields in the framework of white noise analysis
M Grothaus, L Streit
Journal of Mathematical Physics 40 (11), 5387-5405, 1999
Complex Gaussian analysis and the Bargmann-Segal space
M Grothaus, YG Kondratiev, L Streit
Methods Funct. Anal. Topology 3 (2), 46-64, 1997
Construction, ergodicity and rate of convergence of N-particle Langevin dynamics with singular potentials
F Conrad, M Grothaus
Journal of Evolution Equations 10 (3), 623-662, 2010
The Feynman integral for time-dependent anharmonic oscillators
M Grothaus, DC Khandekar, JL da Silva, L Streit
Journal of Mathematical Physics 38 (6), 3278-3299, 1997
Mittag-Leffler analysis I: Construction and characterization
M Grothaus, F Jahnert, F Riemann, JL da Silva
Journal of Functional Analysis 268 (7), 1876-1903, 2015
Hilbert space hypocoercivity for the Langevin dynamics revisited
M Grothaus, P Stilgenbauer
arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.07889, 2016
Lagrangian Feynman formulas for second-order parabolic equations in bounded and unbounded domains
YA Butko, M Grothaus, OG Smolyanov
Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics 13 (03 …, 2010
Mittag-Leffler analysis II: Application to the fractional heat equation
M Grothaus, F Jahnert
Journal of Functional Analysis 270 (7), 2732-2768, 2016
Self-avoiding fractional Brownian motion—the Edwards model
M Grothaus, MJ Oliveira, JL da Silva, L Streit
Journal of Statistical Physics 145, 1513-1523, 2011
Regular generalized functions in Gaussian analysis
M Grothaus, YG Kondratiev, L Streit
Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics 2 (01 …, 1999
Weak Poincaré inequalities for convergence rate of degenerate diffusion processes
M Grothaus, FY Wang
The Annals of Probability 47 (5), 2930-2952, 2019
Ergodicity and rate of convergence for a nonsectorial fiber lay-down process
M Grothaus, A Klar
SIAM journal on mathematical analysis 40 (3), 968-983, 2008
Construction and analysis of a sticky reflected distorted Brownian motion
T Fattler, M Grothaus, R Voßhall
A white noise approach to phase space Feynman path integrals
W Bock, M Grothaus
Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 85, 7-22, 2012
Strong Feller properties for distorted Brownian motion with reflecting boundary condition and an application to continuous N-particle systems with singular interactions
T Fattler, M Grothaus
Journal of Functional Analysis 246 (2), 217-241, 2007
A hypocoercivity related ergodicity method for singularly distorted non-symmetric diffusions
M Grothaus, P Stilgenbauer
Integral equations and operator theory 83, 331-379, 2015
Construction of-strong Feller processes via Dirichlet forms and applications to elliptic diffusions
B Baur, M Grothaus, P Stilgenbauer
Potential Analysis 38 (4), 1233-1258, 2013
Feynman formulae and phase space Feynman path integrals for tau-quantization of some Lévy-Khintchine type Hamilton functions
YA Butko, M Grothaus, OG Smolyanov
Journal of Mathematical Physics 57 (2), 2016
Geometric Langevin equations on submanifolds and applications to the stochastic melt-spinning process of nonwovens and biology
M Grothaus, P Stilgenbauer
Stochastics and Dynamics 13 (04), 1350001, 2013
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