Julia Stern
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To Which World Regions Does the Valence-Dominance Model of Social Perception Apply?
BC Jones, L DeBruine, J Flake, B Aczel, M Adamkovic, R Alaei, C Chartier
Nature Human Behavior, 2020
Fertile women evaluate male bodies as more attractive, regardless of masculinity
J Jünger, TL Kordsmeyer, TM Gerlach, L Penke
Evolution and Human Behavior 39, 412-423, 2018
Do women's preferences for masculine voices shift across the ovulatory cycle?
J Jünger, N Motta-Mena, R Cardenas, D Bailey, KA Rosenfield, C Schild, ...
Hormones and Behavior 106, 122-134, 2018
Linking men's voice pitch to actual and perceived trustworthiness across domains
C Schild, J Stern, I Zettler
Behavioral Ecology 31, 164-175, 2020
Do voices carry valid information about a speaker's personality?
J Stern, C Schild, BC Jones, L DeBruine, A Hahn, D Puts, I Zettler, ...
Journal of Research in Personality, 2021
Not within spitting distance: salivary immunoassays of estradiol have subpar validity for cycle phase
RC Arslan, K Blake, L Botzet, PC Bürkner, L DeBruine, T Fiers, N Grebe, ...
Psychoneuroendocrinology 149, 105994, 2023
A longitudinal evaluation of ovulatory cycle shifts in women’s mate attraction and preferences
J Stern, TL Kordsmeyer, L Penke
Hormones and Behavior 128, 104916, 2021
Probing ovulatory cycle shifts in women’s preferences for men’s behaviors
J Stern, TM Gerlach, L Penke
Psychological Science 31 (4), 424-436, 2020
No robust evidence for cycle shifts in preferences for men's bodies in a multiverse analysis.
J Stern, RC Arslan, TM Gerlach, L Penke
Evolution and Human Behavior 40, 517-525, 2019
Further Evidence that Facial Width-to-Height Ratio and Global Facial Masculinity Are Not Positively Associated with Testosterone Levels
TL Kordsmeyer, D Freund, S Rodrigues Pita, J Jünger, L Penke
Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology 5 (2), 117-130, 2019
Estimating the Associations between Big Five Personality Traits, Testosterone, and Cortisol
Z Sundin, WJ Chopik, KM Welker, E Ascigil, CM Brandes, KA Chin, ...
Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 2021
Stability and validity of steroid hormones in hair and saliva across two ovulatory cycles
J Stern, RC Arslan, L Penke
Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology 9, 100114, 2022
Are sexual desire and sociosexual orientation related to men’s salivary steroid hormones?
J Stern, K Karastoyanova, M Kandrik, JS Torrance, A Hahn, IJ Holzleitner, ...
Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology 6, 447-466, 2020
Voice Pitch – a valid indicator of one’s unfaithfulness in committed relationships?
C Schild, J Stern, L Penke, I Zettler
Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 2020
Hormones, ovulatory cycle phase and pathogen disgust: A longitudinal investigation of the Compensatory Prophylaxis Hypothesis
J Stern, V Shiramizu
Hormones and Behavior 138, 105103, 2022
The evidence for good genes ovulatory shifts in Arslan et al.(2018) is mixed and uncertain.
RC Arslan, JC Driebe, J Stern, TM Gerlach, L Penke
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 121 (2), 441, 2021
Men are not aware of and do not respond to their female partner's fertility status: Evidence from a dyadic diary study of 384 couples
L Schleifenbaum, J Stern, J Driebe, LL Wieczorek, TM Gerlach, RC Arslan, ...
Hormones and Behavior 143, 105202, 2022
Probing the predictive validity of ideal partner preferences for future partner traits and relationship outcomes across 13 years
JC Driebe, J Stern, L Penke, TM Gerlach
European Journal of Personality 38 (4), 707-723, 2024
3D anthropometric assessment and perception of male body morphology in relation to physical strength
TL Kordsmeyer, J Stern, L Penke
American Journal of Human Biology 31 (5), e23276, 2019
Does emotion recognition change across phases of the ovulatory cycle?
Y Rafiee, J Stern, J Ostner, L Penke, A Schacht
Psychoneuroendocrinology 148, 105977, 2023
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