Andrea Cordoba-Arenas, PhD
Andrea Cordoba-Arenas, PhD
Engineering Supervisor, Electrified Systems Engineering, Ford Motor Company, US
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Cited by
Cited by
Capacity and power fade cycle-life model for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle lithium-ion battery cells containing blended spinel and layered-oxide positive electrodes
A Cordoba-Arenas, S Onori, Y Guezennec, G Rizzoni
Journal of Power Sources 278, 473-483, 2015
A multi time-scale state-of-charge and state-of-health estimation framework using nonlinear predictive filter for lithium-ion battery pack with passive balance control
Y Hua, A Cordoba-Arenas, N Warner, G Rizzoni
Journal of Power Sources 280, 293-312, 2015
A control-oriented lithium-ion battery pack model for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle cycle-life studies and system design with consideration of health management
A Cordoba-Arenas, S Onori, G Rizzoni
Journal of Power Sources 279, 791-808, 2015
Stochastic capacity loss and remaining useful life models for lithium-ion batteries in plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
A Chu, A Allam, A Cordoba-Arenas, G Rizzoni, S Onori
Journal of Power Sources 478, 228991, 2020
Battery life extending charging strategy for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and battery electric vehicles
L Tang, G Rizzoni, A Cordoba-Arenas
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (11), 70-76, 2016
Model-based diagnosis and fault tolerant control for ensuring torque functional safety of pedal-by-wire systems
J Zhang, G Rizzoni, A Cordoba-Arenas, A Amodio, B Aksun-Guvenc
Control Engineering Practice 61, 255-269, 2017
Diagnostics and Prognostics Needs and Requirements for Electrified Vehicles Powertrains
A Cordoba Arenas, J Zhang, G Rizzoni
Symposium on Advances in Automatic Control, Tokio, September 2013. 7 (1 …, 2013
Aging propagation in advanced battery systems: preliminary results
A Cordoba Arenas, S Onori, G Rizzoni, G Fan
IFAC Symposium on Advances in Automatic Control, Tokio, September 2013. 7 (1 …, 2013
A prognostic methodology for interconnected systems: preliminary results
S Onori, G Rizzoni, A Cordoba-Arenas
IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical …, 2012
Fault diagnosis for pmsm drive system in electric vehicle
J Zhang, G Rizzoni, A Cordoba-Arenas
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 46193, V002T36A006, 2014
Aging propagation modeling and state-of-health assessment in advanced battery systems
A Cordoba-Arenas
The Ohio State University, 2013
Aging Propagation in Interconnected Systems with an Application to Advanced Automotive Battery Packs
A Cordoba-Arenas, S Onori, G Rizzoni, G Fan
Proceeding of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Automatic Control …, 2013
On the 2D roots of the median filter
A Restrepo, A Córdoba, P Murcia
Memorias del X Simposio de Tratamiento de Señales, Imágenes y Visión …, 2005
On the Roots of the 3× 3 Median Filter
A Córdoba, A Restrepo
2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing …, 2006
Aging propagation modeling and state-of-health assessment in advanced battery systems
ACC Arenas
Ohio State University, 2013
Caracterización de las señales raíces del filtro mediana 2D
A Córdoba, AR Palacios
Memorias del XI° Simposio de Señales, Imágenes y Visión Artificial (STSIVA …, 2006
Vehicle battery cell balancing
HZ Moghadam, X Wang, R Wang, AC Arenas
US Patent App. 17/578,880, 2023
System and method for managing vehicle battery health
HZ Moghadam, R Wang, X Wang, AC Arenas
US Patent App. 17/513,781, 2023
Recovery strategies for battery capacity data loss and control related to same
R Wang, AC Arenas, HZ Moghadam, X Wang
US Patent App. 17/171,875, 2022
On the roots of the 3x3, 5+, 5x, 13-pt and 5x5 2D median filters
A Cordoba Arenas, A Restrepo Palacios
Proceedings of the Ninth IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image …, 2007
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Articles 1–20