Dr. Johannes Wendsche
Dr. Johannes Wendsche
Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (BAuA), Federal Institute for Occupational Safety
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A Meta-Analysis on Antecedents and Outcomes of Detachment from Work
J Wendsche, A Lohmann-Haislah
Frontiers in Psychology 7, 2072, 2017
Interventions for improving psychological detachment from work: A meta-analysis
J Karabinski, T., Haun V.C., Nübold, A., Wendsche, J., Wegge
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 26 (3), 224-242, 2021
Antecedents and outcomes of nurses’ rest break organization: A scoping review
J Wendsche, A Ghadiri, A Bengsch, J Wegge
International journal of nursing studies 75, 65-80, 2017
Psychosocial areas of worklife and chronic low back pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis
G Buruck, A Tomschek, J Wendsche, E Ochsmann, D Dörfel
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 20, 480, 2019
The impact of supplementary short rest breaks on task performance – A meta-analysis
J Wendsche, A Lohmann-Haislah, J Wegge
Sozialpolitik.CH 2, 1-24, 2016
Acute psychosocial stress and emotion regulation skills modulate empathic reactions to pain in others
G Buruck, J Wendsche, M Melzer, A Strobel, D Dörfel
Frontiers in psychology 5, 517, 2014
Understaffing and registered nurses’ turnover: The moderating role of regular rest breaks
J Wendsche, W Hacker, J Wegge
German Journal of Human Resource Management 31 (3), 238-259, 2017
High job demands and low job control increase nurses’ professional leaving intentions: The role of care setting and profit orientation
J Wendsche, W Hacker, J Wegge, M Rudolf
Research in Nursing & Health 39 (5), 353-363, 2016
Psychische Gesundheit in der Arbeitswelt: Pausen
J Wendsche, A Lohmann-Haislah;jsessionid …, 2016
Rest break organization in geriatric care and turnover: A multimethod cross-sectional study
J Wendsche, W Hacker, J Wegge, N Schrod, K Roitzsch, A Tomaschek, ...
International Journal of Nursing Studies 51 (9), 1246-1257, 2014
Uncovering the care setting–turnover intention relationship of geriatric nurses
M Rahnfeld, J Wendsche, A Ihle, SR Müller, M Kliegel
European Journal of Ageing 13, 159-169, 2016
Always on, never done? How the mind recovers after a stressful workday?
J Wendsche, J De Bloom, C Syrek, T Vahle-Hinz
German Journal of Human Resource Management 35 (2), 117-151, 2021
Arbeitspausen gesundheits- und leistungsförderlich gestalten
J Wendsche, A Lohmann-Hailsah
Göttingen: Hogrefe, 2018
Functional work breaks in a high-demanding work environment: an experimental field study
A Scholz, A Ghadiri, U Singh, J Wendsche, T Peters, S Schneider
Ergonomics 61 (2), 255-264, 2018
Detachment als Bindeglied zwischen psychischen Arbeitsanforderungen und ermüdungsrelevanten psychischen Beanspruchungsfolgen: Eine Metaanalyse
J Wendsche, A Lohmann-Haislah
Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft, 2017
How does leadership influence incident reporting intention in healthcare? A dual process model of leader–member exchange
KL Jungbauer, K Loewenbrück, H Reichmann, J Wendsche, J Wegge
German Journal of Human Resource Management: Zeitschrift für …, 2018
Difficulties detaching psychologically from work among German teachers: prevalence, risk factors and health outcomes within a cross-sectional and national representative …
YZ Varol, GM Weiher, J Wendsche, A Lohmann-Haislah
BMC Public Health 21, 1-15, 2021
The dynamics of social stressors and detachment: Long-term mechanisms impacting well-being.
AD Schulz, I Schöllgen, J Wendsche, D Fay, J Wegge
International Journal of Stress Management 28 (3), 207, 2021
Prospective associations between burnout symptomatology and hair cortisol
J Wendsche, A Ihle, J Wegge, PM Sophie, C Kirschbaum, M Kliegel
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 2020
J Wegge, J Wendsche, S Diestel
Lehrbuch Organisationspsychologie, 643-693, 2014
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