Brad Karp
Brad Karp
Professor of Computer Systems and Networks, UCL
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GPSR: Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing for Wireless Networks
B Karp, HT Kung
Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing …, 2000
Autograph: Toward Automated, Distributed Worm Signature Detection.
HA Kim, B Karp
USENIX security symposium 286, 2004
Polygraph: Automatically generating signatures for polymorphic worms
J Newsome, B Karp, D Song
Security and Privacy, 2005 IEEE Symposium on, 226-241, 2005
GHT: a geographic hash table for data-centric storage
S Ratnasamy, B Karp, L Yin, F Yu, D Estrin, R Govindan, S Shenker
Proceedings of the 1st ACM international workshop on Wireless sensor …, 2002
Data-centric storage in sensornets with GHT, a geographic hash table
S Ratnasamy, B Karp, S Shenker, D Estrin, R Govindan, L Yin, F Yu
Mobile networks and applications 8, 427-442, 2003
OpenDHT: a public DHT service and its uses
S Rhea, B Godfrey, B Karp, J Kubiatowicz, S Ratnasamy, S Shenker, ...
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 35 (4), 73-84, 2005
Irisnet: An architecture for a worldwide sensor web
PB Gibbons, B Karp, Y Ke, S Nath, S Seshan
IEEE pervasive computing 2 (4), 22-33, 2003
Geographic routing made practical
YJ Kim, R Govindan, B Karp, S Shenker
Proceedings of the 2nd conference on Symposium on Networked Systems Design …, 2005
Data-centric storage in sensornets
S Shenker, S Ratnasamy, B Karp, R Govindan, D Estrin
ACM SIGCOMM computer communication review 33 (1), 137-142, 2003
Opportunistic Use of Content Addressable Storage for Distributed File Systems.
N Tolia, M Kozuch, M Satyanarayanan, B Karp, TC Bressoud, A Perrig
USENIX Annual Technical Conference, General Track 3, 127-140, 2003
Geographic Routing for Wireless Networks
B Karp
PhD thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge, 2000
Paragraph: Thwarting signature learning by training maliciously
J Newsome, B Karp, D Song
Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection: 9th International Symposium, RAID …, 2006
RR-TCP: a reordering-robust TCP with DSACK
M Zhang, B Karp, S Floyd, L Peterson
11th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols, 2003. Proceedings …, 2003
Wedge: Splitting applications into reduced-privilege compartments
A Bittau, P Marchenko, M Handley, B Karp
USENIX Association, 2008
RE: Reliable Email.
S Garriss, M Kaminsky, MJ Freedman, B Karp, D Mazières, H Yu
NSDI 6, 22-22, 2006
On the pitfalls of geographic face routing
YJ Kim, R Govindan, B Karp, S Shenker
Proceedings of the 2005 joint workshop on Foundations of mobile computing, 34-43, 2005
Data-centric storage in sensornets
S Ratnasamy, D Estrin, R Govindan, B Karp, S Shenker, L Yin, F Yu
Submitted to SIGCOMM, 1-14, 2002
Lazy cross-link removal for geographic routing
YJ Kim, R Govindan, B Karp, S Shenker
Proceedings of SenSys 2006, 2006
Spurring adoption of DHTs with OpenHash, a public DHT service
B Karp, S Ratnasamy, S Rhea, S Shenker
International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems, 195-205, 2004
Protecting users by confining JavaScript with COWL
D Stefan, EZ Yang, P Marchenko, A Russo, D Herman, B Karp, ...
Proceedings of OSDI 2014, 2014
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Articles 1–20