Viliam Simko
Viliam Simko
FZI Research Center for Information Technology
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R package "corrplot": Visualization of a Correlation Matrix
T Wei, V Simko
CRAN, 2017
R package "biwavelet": Conduct univariate and bivariate wavelet analyses
T Gouhier, A Grinsted, V Simko
CRAN, 2016
A prediction-driven adaptation approach for self-adaptive sensor networks
IDP Anaya, V Simko, J Bourcier, N Plouzeau, JM Jézéquel
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Software Engineering for …, 2014
Enabling crowdsensing-based road condition monitoring service by intermediary
K Laubis, M Konstantinov, V Simko, A Gröschel, C Weinhardt
Electronic Markets, 1-16, 2018
Road condition measurement and assessment: A crowd based sensing approach
K Laubis, V Simko, A Schuller
Requirement specifications using natural languages
T Bures, P Hnetynka, P Kroha, V Simko
Technical Report D3S-TR-2012-05, 2012
Biggis: a continuous refinement approach to master heterogeneity and uncertainty in spatio-temporal big data (vision paper)
P Wiener, M Stein, D Seebacher, J Bruns, M Frank, V Simko, S Zander, ...
Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances …, 2016
Verifying temporal properties of use-cases in natural language
V Simko, D Hauzar, T Bures, P Hnetynka, F Plasil
Formal Aspects of Component Software: 8th International Symposium, FACS 2011 …, 2012
Stable Hotspot Analysis for Intra-Urban Heat Islands
J Bruns, V Simko
GI_Forum 2017, 1, 79-92, 2017
Road condition estimation based on heterogeneous extended floating car data
K Laubis, V Simko, A Schuller, C Weinhardt
Implemented domain model generation
V Simko, P Kroha, P Hnetynka
Technical Report, Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems, Report, 2013
From textual use-cases to component-based applications
V Šimko, P Hnětynka, T Bureš
Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel …, 2010
Crowd sensing of road conditions and its monetary implications on vehicle navigation
K Laubis, V Simko, A Schuller
2016 Intl IEEE Conferences on Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced …, 2016
Formal verification of annotated textual use-cases
V Simko, D Hauzar, P Hnetynka, T Bures, F Plasil
The Computer Journal 58 (7), 1495-1529, 2015
FOAM: A lightweight method for verification of use-cases
V Simko, P Hnetynka, T Bures, F Plasil
2012 38th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced …, 2012
Lsane: Collaborative validation and enrichment of heterogeneous observation streams
MT Frank, S Bader, V Simko, S Zander
Procedia Computer Science 137, 235-241, 2018
Taming the Evolution of Big Data and its Technologies in BigGIS-A Conceptual Architectural Framework for Spatio-Temporal Analytics at Scale.
P Wiener, V Simko, J Nimis
GISTAM, 90-101, 2017
Organizational Information improves Forecast Efficiency of Correction Techniques.
F Knöll, V Simko
ITAT, 86-92, 2017
Verification of use-cases with FOAM tool in context of cloud providers
J Vinárek, V Ŝimko, P Hnĕtynka
2015 41st euromicro conference on software engineering and advanced …, 2015
Accessing libraries of media art through metadata
A Ludtke, B Gottfried, O Herzog, G Ioannidis, M Leszczukz, V Šimko
2009 20th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Application …, 2009
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