Niclas Kröger
Niclas Kröger
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Crowdsourcing as a service–from pilot projects to sustainable innovation routines
J Füller, K Hutter, N Kröger
International Journal of Project Management 39 (2), 183-195, 2021
Harnessing the innovation potential of citizens: how open innovation can be used to co-develop political strategies
G Koch, M Rapp, N Kröger
Strategy and communication for innovation, 63-83, 2014
Beteiligung an Open Government fördern: Erfolgsfaktoren aktiver Bürgerbeteiligung im Internet
M Rapp, C Hoffmann, N Kröger
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 52, 161-171, 2015
How to Prevent Crowdsourcing Disasters and Leverage Positive Side Effects of Open Innovation
J Füller, K Hutter, N Kröger
NIM Marketing Intelligence Review 12 (1), 30-35, 2020
Roles on corporate and public innovation communities: understanding personas to reach new frontiers
M Rapp, N Kröger, S Scheerer
Social Computing and Social Media. Design, Ethics, User Behavior, and Social …, 2020
Open Innovation within Life Sciences: Industry-Specific Challenges and How to Improve Interaction with External Ecosystems
N Kröger, M Rapp, C Janach
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 588-601, 2022
Inside-out: how internal social media platforms can accelerate innovation and push external crowdsourcing towards new frontiers
M Rapp, N Kröger, S Scheerer
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 500-514, 2021
Open Innovation in der Politik: Internetgestützte Zusammenarbeit in politischen Parteien am Beispiel der ÖVP in Österreich
L Schmidthuber, M Rapp, N Kröger, D Hilgers
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 56 (1), 190-206, 2019
Hybrid Innovation: Changes in Innovation Amid the Growth of New Work Concepts
K Hutter, N Kröger, SP Gauster, J Fueller
Academy of Management Proceedings 2023 (1), 15906, 2023
Maximilian Rapp, Christian Hoffmann
N Kröger
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