Olga Kornienko
Olga Kornienko
Associate Professor, George Mason University
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Misery does not love company: Network selection mechanisms and depression homophily
DR Schaefer, O Kornienko, AM Fox
American Sociological Review 76 (5), 764-785, 2011
The role of sex of peers and gender‐typed activities in young children's peer affiliative networks: A longitudinal analysis of selection and influence
CL Martin, O Kornienko, DR Schaefer, LD Hanish, RA Fabes, P Goble
Child development 84 (3), 921-937, 2013
A universal intervention program increases ethnic-racial identity exploration and resolution to predict adolescent psychosocial functioning one year later
AJ Umaña-Taylor, O Kornienko, S Douglass Bayless, KA Updegraff
Journal of youth and adolescence 47, 1-15, 2018
Peer influence on gender identity development in adolescence.
O Kornienko, CE Santos, CL Martin, KL Granger
Developmental psychology 52 (10), 1578, 2016
Health and the structure of adolescent social networks
SA Haas, DR Schaefer, O Kornienko
Journal of health and social behavior 51 (4), 424-439, 2010
Peer influence on ethnic‐racial identity development: A multi‐site investigation
CE Santos, O Kornienko, D Rivas‐Drake
Child development 88 (3), 725-742, 2017
The effects of friendship network popularity on depressive symptoms during early adolescence: Moderation by fear of negative evaluation and gender
O Kornienko, CE Santos
Journal of youth and adolescence 43, 541-553, 2014
The validity, stability, and utility of measuring uric acid in saliva
JL Riis, CI Bryce, MJ Matin, JL Stebbins, O Kornienko, L Huisstede, ...
Biomarkers in medicine 12 (6), 583-596, 2018
Preschool teachers’ facilitation of gender-typed and gender-neutral activities during free play
KL Granger, LD Hanish, O Kornienko, RH Bradley
Sex Roles 76, 498-510, 2017
Financial and emotional support in close personal ties among Central Asian migrant women in Russia
O Kornienko, V Agadjanian, C Menjívar, N Zotova
Social networks 53, 125-135, 2018
Friendship network position and salivary cortisol levels
O Kornienko, KH Clemans, D Out, DA Granger
Social neuroscience 8 (4), 385-396, 2013
Hormones, behavior, and social network analysis: Exploring associations between cortisol, testosterone, and network structure
O Kornienko, KH Clemans, D Out, DA Granger
Hormones and behavior 66 (3), 534-544, 2014
National identity development and friendship network dynamics among immigrant and non-immigrant youth
AJ Umaña-Taylor, O Kornienko, ER McDermott, F Motti-Stefanidi
Journal of youth and adolescence 49, 706-723, 2020
Awareness of Arizona's immigration law SB1070 predicts classroom behavioural problems among Latino youths during early adolescence
CE Santos, C Menjívar, RA VanDaalen, O Kornienko, KA Updegraff, ...
Ethnic and Racial Studies 41 (9), 1672-1690, 2018
Cortisol and testosterone associations with social network dynamics
O Kornienko, DR Schaefer, S Weren, GW Hill, DA Granger
Hormones and behavior 80, 92-102, 2016
Prestige in a large-scale social group predicts longitudinal changes in testosterone.
JT Cheng, O Kornienko, DA Granger
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 114 (6), 924, 2018
Peer network dynamics and the amplification of antisocial to violent behavior among young adolescents in public middle schools
O Kornienko, TJ Dishion, T Ha
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 26 (1), 21-30, 2018
Building cohesion in positively connected exchange networks
DR Schaefer, O Kornienko
Social Psychology Quarterly 72 (4), 384-402, 2009
Depressive symptoms amplify emotional reactivity to daily perceptions of peer rejection in adolescence
T Ha, E Van Roekel, M Iida, O Kornienko, RCME Engels, E Kuntsche
Journal of youth and adolescence 48, 2152-2164, 2019
Supportive behaviors in adolescent romantic relationships moderate adrenocortical attunement
T Ha, EW Yeung, AA Rogers, FO Poulsen, O Kornienko, DA Granger
Psychoneuroendocrinology 74, 189-196, 2016
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Articles 1–20