Benjamin Weyers
Benjamin Weyers
Professor for Computer Science, Trier University
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Cited by
Evaluation of hands-free HMD-based navigation techniques for immersive data analysis
D Zielasko, S Horn, S Freitag, B Weyers, TW Kuhlen
2016 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), 113-119, 2016
The Handbook of Formal Methods in Human-Computer Interaction
B Weyers, J Bowen, A Dix, P Palanque
Springer International Publishing, 2017
Examining rotation gain in CAVE-like virtual environments
S Freitag, B Weyers, TW Kuhlen
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 22 (4), 1462-1471, 2016
Remain Seated: Towards Fully-Immersive Desktop VR
D Zielasko, B Weyers, M Bellgardt, S Pick, A Meißner, T Vierjahn, ...
Assistive technologies for older adults in urban areas: a literature review
A Kötteritzsch, B Weyers
Cognitive Computation 8 (2), 299-317, 2016
A Non-Stationary Office Desk Substitution for Desk-Based and HMD-Projected Virtual Reality
D Zielasko, B Weyers, TW Kuhlen
2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 1884-1889, 2019
Customization of user interfaces to reduce errors and enhance user acceptance
D Burkolter, B Weyers, A Kluge, W Luther
Applied ergonomics 45 (2), 346-353, 2014
Automatic speed adjustment for travel through immersive virtual environments based on viewpoint quality
S Freitag, B Weyers, TW Kuhlen
2016 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), 67-70, 2016
Utilizing Immersive Virtual Reality in Everyday Work
M Bellgardt, S Pick, D Zielasko, T Vierjahn, B Weyers, TW Kuhlen
Collision avoidance in the presence of a virtual agent in small-scale virtual environments
A Bonsch, B Weyers, J Wendt, S Freitag, TW Kuhlen
2016 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), 145-148, 2016
Take a Look Around–The Impact of Decoupling Gaze and Travel-direction in Seated and Ground-based Virtual Reality Utilizing Torso-directed Steering
D Zielasko, YC Law, B Weyers
2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 398-406, 2020
Interactive Exploration Assistance for Immersive Virtual Environments Based on Object Visibility and Viewpoint Quality
S Freitag, B Weyers, TW Kuhlen
2018 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 355-362, 2018
Design and evaluation of data annotation workflows for cave-like virtual environments
S Pick, B Weyers, B Hentschel, TW Kuhlen
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 22 (4), 1452-1461, 2016
Interface creation and redesign techniques in collaborative learning scenarios
B Weyers, W Luther, N Baloian
Future Generation Computer Systems 27 (1), 127-138, 2011
Designing a human machine interface for quality assurance in car manufacturing: an attempt to address the “functionality versus user experience contradiction” in professional …
N Borisov, B Weyers, A Kluge
Advances in Human‐Computer Interaction 2018 (1), 9502692, 2018
Toward rigorous parameterization of underconstrained neural network models through interactive visualization and steering of connectivity generation
C Nowke, S Diaz-Pier, B Weyers, B Hentschel, A Morrison, TW Kuhlen, ...
Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 12, 2018
A reliable non-verbal vocal input metaphor for clicking
D Zielasko, N Neha, B Weyers, TW Kuhlen
2017 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), 40-49, 2017
Dynamic field of view reduction related to subjective sickness measures in an HMD-based data analysis task
D Zielasko, A Meißner, S Freitag, B Weyers, TW Kuhlen
Proc. of IEEE VR Workshop on Everyday Virtual Reality, 2018
Conquering unwanted habits at the workplace: Day-level processes and longer term change in habit strength.
S Sonnentag, W Wehrt, B Weyers, YC Law
Journal of Applied Psychology 107 (5), 831, 2022
Passive Haptic Menus for Desk-Based and HMD-Projected Virtual Reality
D Zielasko, M Krüger, B Weyers, TW Kuhlen
2019 IEEE 5th Workshop on Everyday Virtual Reality (WEVR), 1-6, 2019
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Articles 1–20