Ansgar Bernardi
Ansgar Bernardi
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence - DFKI GmbH
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Toward a technology for organizational memories
A Abecker, A Bernardi, K Hinkelmann, O Kuhn, M Sintek
IEEE Intelligent Systems and their Applications 13 (3), 40-48, 1998
Overview and outlook on the semantic desktop
L Sauermann, A Bernardi, A Dengel
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on The Semantic Desktop at the ISWC 2005 …, 2005
Context-aware, proactive delivery of task-specific information: The knowmore project
A Abecker, A Bernardi, K Hinkelmann, O Ku¨ hn, M Sintek
Information Systems Frontiers 2, 253-276, 2000
Information supply for business processes: coupling workflow with document analysis and information retrieval
A Abecker, A Bernardi, H Maus, M Sintek, C Wenzel
Knowledge-based systems 13 (5), 271-284, 2000
A methodological approach to supporting organizational learning
P Mulholland, Z Zdrahal, J Domingue, M Hatala, A Bernardi
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 55 (3), 337-367, 2001
From lightweight, proactive information delivery to business process-oriented knowledge management
H Holz, H Maus, A Bernardi, O Rostanin
Journal of Universal Knowledge Management 2 (2005), 101-127, 2005
Agent technology for distributed organizational memories
A Abecker, A Bernardi, L Van Elst
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference On Enterprise Information …, 2003
Enterprise Information Infrastructure for Active, Context-Sensitive Knowledge Delivery.
A Abecker, A Bernardi, M Sintek, K Hinkelmann
ECIS, 1-13, 1999
The DECOR toolbox for workflow-embedded organizational memory access
A Abecker, A Bernardi, S Ntioudis, G Mentzas, R Herterich, C Houy, ...
Enterprise Information Systems III 3, 107, 2002
Worlds and transformations: Supporting the sharing and reuse of engineering design knowledge
Z Zdrahal, P Mulholland, M Valasek, A Bernardi
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 65 (12), 959-982, 2007
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