Andreas Siess
Cited by
Cited by
2D, 3D or speech? A case study on which user interface is preferable for what kind of object interaction in immersive virtual reality
D Hepperle, Y Weiß, A Siess, M Wölfel
Computers & Graphics 82, 321-331, 2019
What user interface to use for virtual reality? 2d, 3d or speech–a user study
Y Weiß, D Hepperle, A Sieß, M Wölfel
2018 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW), 50-57, 2018
Hybrid city lighting-improving pedestrians' safety through proactive street lighting
A Sieß, K Hübel, D Hepperle, A Dronov, C Hufnagel, J Aktun, M Wölfel
2015 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW), 46-49, 2015
User color temperature preferences in immersive virtual realities
A Siess, M Wölfel
Computers & Graphics 81, 20-31, 2019
Virtual Reality–Quo Vadis? How to Address the Complete Audience of an Emerging Technology
A Sieß, S Beuck, M Wölfel
Collaborative European Research Conference 2017, 245-247, 2017
Worldmaking: Designing for audience participation, immersion and interaction in virtual and real spaces
A Siess, D Hepperle, M Wölfel, M Johansson
Interactivity, Game Creation, Design, Learning, and Innovation: 7th EAI …, 2019
Staging virtual reality exhibits for bystander involvement in semi-public spaces
D Hepperle, A Siess, M Wölfel
Interactivity, Game Creation, Design, Learning, and Innovation: 8th EAI …, 2020
Color preference differences between head mounted displays and PC screens
A Siess, M Wölfel, N Häffner
2018 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW), 25-32, 2018
Incentive guidance of crowds by smart city lights
A Sieß, K Hübel, D Hepperle, A Dronov, C Hufnagel, J Aktun, M Wölfel
Mensch und Computer 2015–Proceedings, 315-318, 2015
Simulierte Wildnis. Natur in technik-ästhetischen Umgebungen
O Ruf, A Sieß
Grabbe, Wagner et al.(Hg.): Kunst, Design und die» Technisierte Ästhetik …, 2023
Staging location-based virtual reality to improve immersive experiences
M Wölfel, D Hepperle, A Siess, J Deuchler
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies 6 (21), 2020
Atmosphäre in virtuellen Umgebungen – Vier Studien zur Ästhetik des Digitalen
M Wölfel, A Sieß
Berichte aus dem Karl-Steinbuch Forschungsprogramm 10, 2017
Was ist ein Labor? Zur Ästhetisierung experimenteller Umwelten
O Ruf, A Sieß
Ruf, Grabbe (Hg.): Technik-Ästhetik. Zur Theorie techno-ästhetischer …, 2022
‚Making Media‘. Zum Kreativitätsdispositiv zwischen Medienästhetik, Kommunikationsvermittlung und Designdidaktik
O Ruf, A Siess
merz – Zeitschrift für Medienpädagogik, 59-71, 2021
Typographie-Ästhetik: Zur Designtheorie der Schrift
O Ruf, A Sieß, C Knoch
transcript Verlag, 2025
Maschinen und Atmosphären: Zur Ästhetik des Virtuellen bei ETA Hoffmann
A Sieß
transcript Verlag, 2024
Making Skopéin – An autoethnographic report about the interplay between space and media art
A Siess, M Johansson
Urban Eidos, 29-45, 2024
New patterns of prototyping: developing concepts with playful exploration and probing. A case study within arts and design
A Siess, M Johansson
International Conference 2023 of the Design Research Society Special …, 2023
Abstraction and resilience: symbolics and space
M Johansson, U Gehmann, A Siess
De-Sign environment Landscape city: RESILIENT COMMUNITIES, Venice, May 30, 2021, 2021
Genius Loci in the Virtual–Idea of Place Conference
A Siess, M Wölfel
The Idea of Place Conference, 2017
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Articles 1–20