Hermann Hinrichs
Hermann Hinrichs
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Combined spatial and temporal imaging of brain activity during visual selective attention in humans
HJ Heinze, GR Mangun, W Burchert, H Hinrichs, M Scholz, TF Münte, ...
Nature 372 (6506), 543-546, 1994
Involvement of striate and extrastriate visual cortical areas in spatial attention
A Martinez, L Anllo-Vento, MI Sereno, LR Frank, RB Buxton, DJ Dubowitz, ...
Nature neuroscience 2 (4), 364-369, 1999
Shared networks for auditory and motor processing in professional pianists: evidence from fMRI conjunction
M Bangert, T Peschel, G Schlaug, M Rotte, D Drescher, H Hinrichs, ...
Neuroimage 30 (3), 917-926, 2006
IFCN standards for digital recording of clinical EEG
MR Nuwer, G Comi, R Emerson, A Fuglsang-Frederiksen, JM Guérit, ...
Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology 106 (3), 259-261, 1998
Functional dissociation between medial and lateral prefrontal cortical spatiotemporal activation in negative and positive emotions: a combined fMRI/MEG study
G Northoff, A Richter, M Gessner, F Schlagenhauf, J Fell, F Baumgart, ...
Cerebral Cortex 10 (1), 93-107, 2000
Delayed striate cortical activation during spatial attention
T Noesselt, SA Hillyard, MG Woldorff, A Schoenfeld, T Hagner, L Jäncke, ...
Neuron 35 (3), 575-587, 2002
Audiovisual temporal correspondence modulates human multisensory superior temporal sulcus plus primary sensory cortices
T Noesselt, JW Rieger, MA Schoenfeld, M Kanowski, H Hinrichs, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (42), 11431-11441, 2007
Successful verbal encoding into episodic memory engages the posterior hippocampus: a parametrically analyzed functional magnetic resonance imaging study
G Fernandez, H Weyerts, M Schrader-Bölsche, I Tendolkar, HGOM Smid, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 18 (5), 1841-1847, 1998
Neural mechanisms of global and local processing: A combined PET and ERP study
HJ Heinze, H Hinrichs, M Scholz, W Burchert, GR Mangun
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 10 (4), 485-498, 1998
Selective activation of a parietofrontal circuit during implicitly imagined prehension
SH Johnson, M Rotte, ST Grafton, H Hinrichs, MS Gazzaniga, HJ Heinze
Neuroimage 17 (4), 1693-1704, 2002
State dependent properties of epileptic brain networks: Comparative graph–theoretical analyses of simultaneously recorded EEG and MEG
MT Horstmann, S Bialonski, N Noennig, H Mai, J Prusseit, J Wellmer, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 121 (2), 172-185, 2010
Lateralized auditory spatial perception and the contralaterality of cortical processing as studied with functional magnetic resonance imaging and magnetoencephalography
MG Woldorff, C Tempelmann, J Fell, C Tegeler, B Gaschler‐Markefski, ...
Human brain mapping 7 (1), 49-66, 1999
Comparison between a wireless dry electrode EEG system with a conventional wired wet electrode EEG system for clinical applications
H Hinrichs, M Scholz, AK Baum, JWY Kam, RT Knight, HJ Heinze
Scientific reports 10 (1), 5218, 2020
Systematic comparison between a wireless EEG system with dry electrodes and a wired EEG system with wet electrodes
JWY Kam, S Griffin, A Shen, S Patel, H Hinrichs, HJ Heinze, LY Deouell, ...
NeuroImage 184, 119-129, 2019
Neurophysiological assessment of early hepatic encephalopathy
K Weissenborn, M Scholz, H Hinrichs, J Wiltfang, FW Schmidt, H Künkel
Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology 75 (4), 289-295, 1990
Basic emotions reflected in EEG-coherences
H Hinrichs, W Machleidt
International Journal of Psychophysiology 13 (3), 225-232, 1992
Hierarchy of prediction errors for auditory events in human temporal and frontal cortex
S Dürschmid, E Edwards, C Reichert, C Dewar, H Hinrichs, HJ Heinze, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (24), 6755-6760, 2016
Combining steady‐state visual evoked potentials and f MRI to localize brain activity during selective attention
SA Hillyard, H Hinrichs, C Tempelmann, ST Morgan, JC Hansen, ...
Human brain mapping 5 (4), 287-292, 1997
Structural alterations in lateral prefrontal, parietal and posterior midline regions of men with chronic posttraumatic stress disorder
C Eckart, C Stoppel, J Kaufmann, C Tempelmann, H Hinrichs, T Elbert, ...
Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience 36 (3), 176-186, 2011
Deconvolution of event-related fMRI responses in fast-rate experimental designs: tracking amplitude variations
H Hinrichs, M Scholz, C Tempelmann, MG Woldorff, AM Dale, HJ Heinze
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 12 (Supplement 2), 76-89, 2000
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