Dierk Herzer
Dierk Herzer
Professor of Economics, Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg
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In search of FDI-led growth in developing countries: The way forward
D Herzer, S Klasen
Economic Modelling 25 (5), 793-810, 2008
What does export diversification do for growth? An econometric analysis
D Herzer, F Nowak-Lehnmann D
Applied economics 38 (15), 1825-1838, 2006
How does foreign direct investment really affect developing countries' growth?
D Herzer
Review of International Economics 20 (2), 396-414, 2012
Inequality and growth: evidence from panel cointegration
D Herzer, S Vollmer
The Journal of Economic Inequality 10, 489-503, 2012
Export‐led growth in Chile: Assessing the role of export composition in productivity growth
D Herzer, F NOWAK‐LEHMANN D, B Siliverstovs
The Developing Economies 44 (3), 306-328, 2006
The long-run determinants of fertility: one century of demographic change 1900–1999
D Herzer, H Strulik, S Vollmer
Journal of Economic Growth 17, 357-385, 2012
FDI and income inequality: Evidence from a panel of US states
P Chintrakarn, D Herzer, P Nunnenkamp
Economic inquiry 50 (3), 788-801, 2012
The long-run relationship between outward FDI and domestic output: Evidence from panel data
D Herzer
Economics Letters 100 (1), 146-149, 2008
FDI and Income Inequality—Evidence from L atin A merican Economies
D Herzer, P Hühne, P Nunnenkamp
Review of Development Economics 18 (4), 778-793, 2014
Outward FDI and economic growth
D Herzer
Journal of Economic Studies 37 (5), 476-494, 2010
A further examination of the export-led growth hypothesis
C Dreger, D Herzer
Empirical Economics 45, 39-60, 2013
The effect of foreign aid on income inequality: Evidence from panel cointegration
D Herzer, P Nunnenkamp
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 23 (3), 245-255, 2012
The effects of Greenfield FDI and cross‐border M&As on total factor productivity
A Ashraf, D Herzer, P Nunnenkamp
The world economy 39 (11), 1728-1755, 2016
Export-led growth hypothesis: evidence for Chile
B Siliverstovs, D Herzer
Applied Economics Letters 13 (5), 319-324, 2006
The long-run relationship between outward foreign direct investment and total factor productivity: Evidence for developing countries
D Herzer
The Journal of Development Studies 47 (5), 767-785, 2011
The Impact of a Customs Union between Turkey and the EU on Turkey's Exports to the EU
F Nowak‐Lehmann, D Herzer, I Martinez‐Zarzoso, S Vollmer
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 45 (3), 719-743, 2007
Does foreign aid really raise per capita income? A time series perspective
F Nowak‐Lehmann, A Dreher, D Herzer, S Klasen, I Martínez‐Zarzoso
Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique 45 (1), 288-313, 2012
Cross-country heterogeneity and the trade-income relationship
D Herzer
World Development 44, 194-211, 2013
Outward FDI and domestic investment in two industrialized countries
D Herzer, M Schrooten
Economics letters 99 (1), 139-143, 2008
Inward and outward FDI and income inequality: evidence from Europe
D Herzer, P Nunnenkamp
Review of world economics 149, 395-422, 2013
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