Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Martin O. Steinhauser
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Martin O. Steinhauser
Full Professor at Frankfurt University of Applied Science, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
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Computational multiscale modeling of fluids and solids
MO Steinhauser
Springer, 2017
A review of computational methods in materials science: examples from shock-wave and polymer physics
MO Steinhauser, S Hiermaier
International journal of molecular sciences 10 (12), 5135-5216, 2009
A molecular dynamics study on universal properties of polymer chains in different solvent qualities. Part I. A review of linear chain properties
MO Steinhauser
The Journal of chemical physics 122 (9), 2005
Corrections to scaling in the hydrodynamic properties of dilute polymer solutions
B Dünweg, D Reith, M Steinhauser, K Kremer
The Journal of Chemical Physics 117 (2), 914-924, 2002
Complex formation in systems of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes: A molecular dynamics simulation study
RG Winkler, MO Steinhauser, P Reineker
Physical Review E 66 (2), 021802, 2002
Shock-wave induced damage in lipid bilayers: a dissipative particle dynamics simulation study
GC Ganzenmüller, S Hiermaier, MO Steinhauser
Soft Matter 7 (9), 4307-4317, 2011
Impact failure of granular materials–non-equilibrium multiscale simulations and high-speed experiments
MO Steinhauser, K Grass, E Strassburger, A Blumen
International Journal of Plasticity 25 (1), 161-182, 2009
Destruction of cancer cells by laser-induced shock waves: recent developments in experimental treatments and multiscale computer simulations
MO Steinhauser, M Schmidt
Soft Matter 10 (27), 4778-4788, 2014
Computer simulation in physics and engineering
MO Steinhauser
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Company KG, 2013
Simulating dynamic crossover behavior of semiflexible linear polymers in solution and in the melt
MO Steinhauser, J Schneider, A Blumen
The Journal of chemical physics 130 (16), 2009
The implementation of smooth particle hydrodynamics in LAMMPS
GC Ganzenmüller, MO Steinhauser, P Van Liedekerke, KU Leuven
Paul Van Liedekerke Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 1 (1-26), 31, 2011
Non-destructive characterization of fiber orientation in reinforced SMC as input for simulation based design
K Schladitz, A Büter, M Godehardt, O Wirjadi, J Fleckenstein, T Gerster, ...
Composite Structures 160, 195-203, 2017
On the dynamics of molecular self-assembly and the structural analysis of bilayer membranes using coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations
T Schindler, D Kröner, MO Steinhauser
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes 1858 (9), 1955-1963, 2016
Modeling and simulation of microstructures using power diagrams: Proof of the concept
M Kühn, MO Steinhauser
Applied Physics Letters 93 (3), 2008
Static and dynamic scaling of semiflexible polymer chains—a molecular dynamics simulation study of single chains and melts
MO Steinhauser
Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials 12, 291-312, 2008
Discrete particle method for simulating hypervelocity impact phenomena
E Watson, MO Steinhauser
Materials 10 (4), 379, 2017
Characterization of a setup to test the impact of high-amplitude pressure waves on living cells
M Schmidt, U Kahlert, J Wessolleck, D Maciaczyk, B Merkt, J Maciaczyk, ...
Scientific reports 4 (1), 3849, 2014
Impact dynamics and failure of brittle solid states by means of nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations
MO Steinhauser, K Grass, K Thoma, A Blumen
Europhysics Letters 73 (1), 62, 2005
Introduction to molecular dynamics simulations: Applications in hard and soft condensed matter physics
MO Steinhauser
Molecular dynamics-Studies of synthetic and biological macromolecules, 3-28, 2012
Multiscale modeling of fluids and solids-theory and applications
MO Steinhauser
ASIN 3540751165, 2008
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