Christoph Vorburger
Christoph Vorburger
Group Leader Eawag & Adjunct Professor ETH Zürich
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A strain of the bacterial symbiont Regiella insecticola protects aphids against parasitoids
C Vorburger, L Gehrer, P Rodriguez
Biology letters 6 (1), 109-111, 2010
Aggression and competition for shelter between a native and an introduced crayfish in Europe
C Vorburger, G Ribi
Freshwater biology 42 (1), 111-119, 1999
Only helpful when required: a longevity cost of harbouring defensive symbionts
C Vorburger, A Gouskov
Journal of evolutionary biology 24 (7), 1611-1617, 2011
Environmentally related patterns of reproductive modes in the aphid Myzus persicae and the predominance of two ‘superclones’ in Victoria, Australia
C Vorburger, M Lancaster, P Sunnucks
Molecular ecology 12 (12), 3493-3504, 2003
Parasitoids as vectors of facultative bacterial endosymbionts in aphids
L Gehrer, C Vorburger
Biology letters 8 (4), 613-615, 2012
Genotypic variation and the role of defensive endosymbionts in an all-parthenogenetic host–parasitoid interaction
C Vorburger, C Sandrock, A Gouskov, LE Castaneda, J Ferrari
Evolution 63 (6), 1439-1450, 2009
Development, specificity and sublethal effects of symbiont‐conferred resistance to parasitoids in aphids
M Schmid, R Sieber, YS Zimmermann, C Vorburger
Functional Ecology 26 (1), 207-215, 2012
Genomic basis of endosymbiont-conferred protection against an insect parasitoid
AK Hansen, C Vorburger, NA Moran
Genome research 22 (1), 106-114, 2012
The role of defensive symbionts in host–parasite coevolution
C Vorburger, SJ Perlman
Biological Reviews 93 (4), 1747-1764, 2018
The evolutionary ecology of symbiont‐conferred resistance to parasitoids in aphids
C Vorburger
Insect science 21 (3), 251-264, 2014
Fixation of deleterious mutations in clonal lineages: evidence from hybridogenetic frogs
C Vorburger
Evolution 55 (11), 2319-2332, 2001
Comparing constitutive and induced costs of symbiont‐conferred resistance to parasitoids in aphids
C Vorburger, P Ganesanandamoorthy, M Kwiatkowski
Ecology and evolution 3 (3), 706-713, 2013
Genetic variation and covariation of susceptibility to parasitoids in the aphid Myzus persicae: no evidence for trade-offs
S von Burg, J Ferrari, CB Müller, C Vorburger
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275 (1638), 1089-1094, 2008
Single-locus recessive inheritance of asexual reproduction in a parasitoid wasp
C Sandrock, C Vorburger
Current biology 21 (5), 433-437, 2011
A genetic mechanism of species replacement in European waterfrogs?
C Vorburger, HU Reyer
Conservation Genetics 4, 141-155, 2003
Symbiont‐conferred protection against Hymenopteran parasitoids in aphids: how general is it?
L Cayetano, C Vorburger
Ecological Entomology 40 (1), 85-93, 2015
Fish population genetic structure shaped by hydroelectric power plants in the upper Rhine catchment
A Gouskov, M Reyes, L Wirthner‐Bitterlin, C Vorburger
Evolutionary Applications 9 (2), 394-408, 2016
Temporal dynamics of genotypic diversity reveal strong clonal selection in the aphid Myzus persicae
C Vorburger
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19 (1), 97-107, 2006
Experimental evolution of parasitoid infectivity on symbiont-protected hosts leads to the emergence of genotype specificity
R Rouchet, C Vorburger
Evolution 68 (6), 1607-1616, 2014
Cheaper is not always worse: strongly protective isolates of a defensive symbiont are less costly to the aphid host
L Cayetano, L Rothacher, JC Simon, C Vorburger
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1799), 20142333, 2015
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