Kurt Kohn
Kurt Kohn
University of Tübingen, Applied English Linguistics
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The strategic dimension of interpreting
K Kohn, S Kalina
Meta 41 (1), 118-138, 1996
Learner agency and non-native speaker identity in pedagogical lingua franca conversations: Insights from intercultural telecollaboration in foreign language education
K Kohn, P Hoffstaedter
Computer Assisted Language Learning 30 (5), 351-367, 2017
Localization of spontaneous respiratory neuronal activities in the medulla oblongata of the cat: a new location of the expiratory center
E Haber, KW Kohn, SH Ngai, DA Holaday, SC Wang
American Journal of Physiology-Legacy Content 190 (2), 350-355, 1957
A pedagogical space for ELF in the English classroom
K Kohn
Current perspectives on pedagogy for ELF, 51-67, 2015
English as a lingua franca and the Standard English misunderstanding
K Kohn
English in Europe today. Sociocultural and educational perspectives, 71-94, 2011
The analysis of transfer
K Kohn
Crosslinguistic influence in second language acquisition, 21-34, 1986
MY English: A social constructivist perspective on ELF
K Kohn
Journal of English as a Lingua Franca 7 (1), 1-24, 2018
Corpus Technology and Language Pedagogy: New Resources, New Tools, New Methods. English Corpus Linguistics Vol 3.
S Braun, K Kohn, J Mukherjee
Lang, 2006
Dimensionen lernersprachlicher Performanz: theoretische und empirische Untersuchungen zum Zweitsprachenerwerb
K Kohn
(No Title), 1990
Towards the reconciliation of ELF and EFL: Theoretical issues and pedagogical challenges
K Kohn, NC Sifakis, N Tsantila
English as a lingua franca for EFL contexts, 32-48, 2018
Note-taking in consecutive interpreting. On the reconstruction of an individualised language
K Kohn, M Albl-Mikasa
Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series–Themes in Translation Studies 1, 2002
Flipping intercultural communication practice: Opportunities and challenges for the foreign language classroom
K Kohn, P Hoffstaedter
Task design & CALL. Proceedings of the seventeenth international CALL …, 2015
Computer assisted foreign language learning
K Kohn
K. Knapp & B. Seidlhofer (ed. s), Handbook of Applied Logistics 6, 573-602, 2009
Pedagogic corpora for content and language integrated learning. Insights from the BACKBONE project
K Kohn
The Eurocall Review 20 (2), 3-22, 2012
A pedagogical lingua franca approach: Emancipating the foreign language learner
K Kohn
LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network 13 (2), 1-14, 2020
Beyond output: the analysis of interlanguage development1
K Kohn
Studies in Second Language Acquisition 4 (2), 137-152, 1982
From ELF communication to lingua franca pedagogy
K Kohn
English as a lingua franca: Perspectives and prospects, 87-96, 2016
Kommunikation in der mehrsprachigen Videokonferenz: Implikationen für das Dolmetschen
S Braun, K Kohn, H Mikasa
Wege der Übersetzungs-und Dolmetschforschung. Tübingen: Narr, 267-305, 1999
The SACODEYL search tool–exploiting corpora for language learning purposes
J Widmann, K Kohn, R Ziai
New trends in corpora and language learning, 167-78, 2011
Teaching towards ELF competence in the English classroom
K Kohn
ELF: Pedagogical and interdisciplinary perspectives./editors, Natasha …, 2014
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