Oleg Zaboronski
Oleg Zaboronski
Sonstige NamenOleg Zaboronsky
Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick
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The geometry of the master equation and topological quantum field theory
M Alexandrov, M Kontsevich, A Schwarz, O Zaboronsky
Arxiv preprint hep-th/9502010, 1995
The Geometry of the Master Equation and Topological Quantum Field Theory, peprint
M Alexandrov, M Kontsevich, A Schwarz, O Zaboronsky
Arxiv preprint hep-th/9502010, 1405-1430, 0
Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and turbulence
J Cardy, G Falkovich, K Gawędzki
Cambridge University Press, 2008
On the structure of correlation functions in the normal matrix model
LL Chau, O Zaboronsky
Communications in mathematical physics 196 (1), 203-247, 1998
Supersymmetry and localization
A Schwarz, O Zaboronsky
Communications in mathematical physics 183 (2), 463-476, 1997
Pfaffian formulae for one dimensional coalescing and annihilating systems
R Tribe, O Zaboronski
Langevin dynamics, large deviations and instantons for the quasi-geostrophic model and two-dimensional Euler equations
F Bouchet, J Laurie, O Zaboronski
Journal of Statistical Physics 156, 1066-1092, 2014
Estimate ofd′-production in protonproton collisions
M Schepkin, O Zaboronsky, H Clement
Zeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and Nuclei 345 (4), 407-412, 1993
Stationary Kolmogorov solutions of the Smoluchowski aggregation equation with a source term
C Connaughton, R Rajesh, O Zaboronski
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 69 (6 …, 2004
Collective Oscillations in Irreversible Coagulation Driven<? format?> by Monomer Inputs and Large-Cluster Outputs
RC Ball, C Connaughton, PP Jones, R Rajesh, O Zaboronski
Physical review letters 109 (16), 168304, 2012
Multi-Scaling of the -point density function for coalescing Brownian motions
R Munasinghe, R Rajesh, R Tribe, O Zaboronski
arXiv preprint math/0512179, 2005
On the production of a narrow πNN resonance in low energy pionic DCX on He isotopes
H Clement, M Schepkin, GJ Wagner, O Zaboronsky
Physics Letters B 337 (1-2), 43-47, 1994
On the Large Time Asymptotics¶ of Decaying Burgers Turbulence
R Tribe, O Zaboronski
Communications in Mathematical Physics 212, 415-436, 2000
Cluster–cluster aggregation as an analogue of a turbulent cascade: Kolmogorov phenomenology, scaling laws and the breakdown of self-similarity
C Connaughton, R Rajesh, O Zaboronski
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 222 (1-2), 97-115, 2006
Breakdown of Kolmogorov scaling in models of cluster aggregation
C Connaughton, R Rajesh, O Zaboronski
Physical review letters 94 (19), 194503, 2005
Instantaneous gelation in Smoluchowski’s coagulation equation revisited
RC Ball, C Connaughton, THM Stein, O Zaboronski
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (1 …, 2011
A model for rapid stochastic distortions of small-scale turbulence
B Dubrulle, JP Laval, S Nazarenko, O Zaboronski
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 520, 1-21, 2004
On the distribution of the largest real eigenvalue for the real Ginibre ensemble
M Poplavskyi, R Tribe, O Zaboronski
Control and instanton trajectories for random transitions in turbulent flows
F Bouchet, J Laurie, O Zaboronski
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 318 (2), 022041, 2011
Persistence properties of a system of coagulating and annihilating random walkers
S Krishnamurthy, R Rajesh, O Zaboronski
Physical Review E 68 (4), 046103, 2003
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