Frank Höller
Frank Höller
researcher, Fraunhofer FKIE
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Accompanying persons with a mobile robot using motion prediction and probabilistic roadmaps
F Hoeller, D Schulz, M Moors, FE Schneider
2007 IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems …, 2007
The ROS multimaster extension for simplified deployment of multi-robot systems
A Tiderko, F Hoeller, T Röhling
Robot Operating System (ROS) The Complete Reference (Volume 1), 629-650, 2016
A component-based approach to visual person tracking from a mobile platform
S Frintrop, A Königs, F Hoeller, D Schulz
International Journal of Social Robotics 2, 53-62, 2010
RoSe—A framework for multicast communication via unreliable networks in multi-robot systems
A Tiderko, T Bachran, F Hoeller, D Schulz
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56 (12), 1017-1026, 2008
Benchmark of 6D slam (6D simultaneous localisation and mapping) algorithms with robotic mobile mapping systems
J Bedkowski, T Röhling, F Hoeller, D Shulz, FE Schneider
Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences 42 (3), 275-295, 2017
Autonomous robot exploration and measuring in disaster scenarios using behavior trees
FG Rosas, F Hoeller, FE Schneider
2020 IEEE 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS), 469-474, 2020
Offroad navigation using adaptable motion patterns
F Hoeller, T Röhling, D Schulz
KI-Künstliche Intelligenz 25, 151-154, 2011
Visual person tracking using a cognitive observation model
S Frintrop, A Königs, F Hoeller, D Schulz
ICRA workshop on people detection and tracking, 2009
A framework for multicast communication over unreliable networks in multi robot systems
A Tiderko, F Hoeller, T Bachran
Proceedings of Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS), 2007
Autonomous reconnaissance and surveillance in urban structures-Eurathlon 2013
F Hoeller, A Königs, D Schulz
2014 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and …, 2014
CBRNE hazard detection with an unmanned vehicle
T Röhling, B Brüggemann, F Hoeller, FE Schneider
2009 IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security & Rescue Robotics (SSRR …, 2009
Leo: liquid exploration online
F Hoeller, FG Rosas, D Schulz, D Arya
2019 Third IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), 17-24, 2019
The FKIE robot system for the European land robot trial 2011
M Brunner, F Höller, A Königs, T Röhling, FE Schneider, A Tiderko, ...
Proceedings of the 5th International IARP Workshop on Robotics for Risky …, 2011
Collective motion pattern scaling for improved open-loop off-road navigation
F Hoeller, T Röhling, D Schulz
2013 13th International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems, 1-6, 2013
Combining Coordinated Navigation and Reactive Collision Avoidance for GPSbased Convoying
F Hoeller, T Röhling, A Königs
Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS), 93-100, 2008
Automated Environmental Mapping with Behavior Trees
FG Rosas, F Hoeller, FE Schneider
Advances in Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation, 61-85, 2022
Spline-Based Robot Trajectory Generation Using the Dynamic Window Approach
B Demir, F Hoeller, FG Rosas, D Schulz, N Goerke
2019 Third IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), 9-16, 2019
The FGAN Robot System for the European Land Robot Trial 2009
B Brüggemann, F Höller, A Königs, H Nelson, T Röhling, FE Schneider, ...
IRC 2019
JL Hortelano, N Kruger, APS Robotics, B Demir, F Hoeller, D Wilbers, ...
Kai O. Arras· Oscar Martinez Mozos
S Frintrop, A Königs, F Hoeller
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Articles 1–20