Meddaikar Yasser
Meddaikar Yasser
DLR - Institute of Aeroelasticity
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Aeroservoelastic modeling and analysis of a highly flexible flutter demonstrator
M Wuestenhagen, T Kier, YM Meddaikar, M Pusch, D Ossmann, ...
2018 atmospheric flight mechanics conference, 3150, 2018
Aircraft Aeroservoelastic Modelling of the FLEXOP Unmanned Flying Demonstrator
YM Meddaikar, J Dillinger, T Klimmek, W Krueger, M Wuestenhagen, ...
AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 1815, 2019
Laminate optimization of blended composite structures using a modified Shepard’s method and stacking sequence tables
YM Meddaikar, FX Irisarri, MM Abdalla
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 55, 535-546, 2017
Aircraft Design and Testing of FLEXOP Unmanned Flying Demonstrator to Test Load Alleviation and Flutter Suppression of High Aspect Ratio Flexible Wings
C Roessler, P Stahl, F Sendner, A Hermanutz, S Koeberle, ...
AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 1813, 2019
Active Flutter Mitigation Testing on the FLEXOP Demonstrator Aircraft
B Takarics, B Patartics, T Luspay, B Vanek, C Roessler, J Bartasevicius, ...
AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 1970, 2020
Loads and Structural Optimization Process for Composite Long Range Transport Aircraft Configuration
KR Bramsiepe, V Handojo, YM Meddaikar, M Schulze, T Klimmek
2018 Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, 3572, 2018
Static Aeroelastic Stiffness Optimization of a Forward Swept Composite Wing with CFD Corrected Aero Loads
J Dillinger, MM Abdalla, YM Meddaikar, T Klimmek
Static and Dynamic Aeroelastic Validation of a Flexible Forward Swept Composite Wing
M Ritter, J Dillinger, YM Meddaikar
58th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials …, 2017
Optimization & testing of aeroelastically-tailored forward swept wings
MY Meddaikar, J Dillinger, MR Ritter, Y Govers
Results of an Aeroelastically Tailored Wing on the FLEXOP Demonstrator Aircraft
C Roessler, J Bartasevicius, SJ Koeberle, D Teubl, M Hornung, ...
AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 1969, 2020
Ground testing of the flexop demonstrator aircraft
J Sodja, R De Breuker, YM Meddaikar, JK Dillinger, K Soal, Y Govers, ...
AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 1968, 2020
Design and Wind Tunnel Test of an Actively Controlled Flexible Wing
WR Krüger, J Dillinger, Y Meddaikar, J Lübker, M Tang, W Meier, M Pusch, ...
Proceedings of the International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural …, 2019
Optimization, Manufacturing and Testing of a Composite Wing with Maximized Tip Deflection
YM Meddaikar, JK Dillinger, J Sodja, H Mai, R De Breuker
57th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials …, 2016
Design and Optimization of an Aeroservoelastic Wind Tunnel Model
JKS Dillinger, YM Meddaikar, J Lübker, M Pusch, T Kier
Fluids 5 (1), 35, 2020
Lamination Parameters for Sandwich and Hybrid Material Composites
GHC Silva, Y Meddaikar
AIAA Journal 58 (10), 4604-4611, 2020
Blended composite optimization combining stacking sequence tables and a modified Shepard’s method
MY Meddaikar, FX Irisarri, MM Abdalla
Flight Vibration Testing of the T-FLEX UAV using Online Modal Analysis
K Soal, R Volkmar, C Thiem, J Sinske, YM Meddaikar, Y Govers, ...
AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, 0373, 2023
Application of Aeroelastic Tailoring for Load Alleviation on a Flying Demonstrator Wing
WR Krüger, YM Meddaikar, JKS Dillinger, J Sodja, R De Breuker
Aerospace 9 (10), 535, 2022
FLEXOP–Application of aeroelastic tailoring to a flying demonstrator wing
MY Meddaikar, JKS Dillinger, J Sodja, R De Breuker
DLRK 2018, 1-10, 2018
TU-Flex: A Very-Flexible Flying Demonstrator with a Generic Transport Aircraft Configuration
P Gonzalez, G Stavorinus, FJ Silvestre, A Voß, YM Meddaikar, W Krueger
AIAA Scitech 2023 Forum, 1312, 2023
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