Christian Schneider
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Zitiert von
Propagation channels of 5G millimeter-wave vehicle-to-vehicle communications: Recent advances and future challenges
R He, C Schneider, B Ai, G Wang, Z Zhong, DA Dupleich, RS Thomae, ...
IEEE vehicular technology magazine 15 (1), 16-26, 2019
MATLAB implementation of the 3GPP spatial channel model (3GPP TR 25.996)
J Salo, G Del Galdo, J Salmi, P Kyösti, M Milojevic, D Laselva, ...
on-line, Jan, 2005
IST-4-027756 WINNER II D1. 1.2 V1. 2 WINNER II Channel Models
P Kyösti, J Meinilä, L Hentilä, X Zhao, T Jämsä, C Schneider, M Narandzic, ...
Inf. Soc. Technol 11, 2007
Ray-tracing-based mm-wave beamforming assessment
V Degli-Esposti, F Fuschini, EM Vitucci, M Barbiroli, M Zoli, L Tian, X Yin, ...
IEEE Access 2, 1314-1325, 2014
Comparison of SCM, SCME, and WINNER channel models
M Narandzic, C Schneider, R Thoma, T Jamsa, P Kyosti, X Zhao
2007 IEEE 65th Vehicular Technology Conference-VTC2007-Spring, 413-417, 2007
Cooperative passive coherent location: A promising 5G service to support road safety
RS Thoma, C Andrich, G Del Galdo, M Dobereiner, MA Hein, M Kaske, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 57 (9), 86-92, 2019
Multi-band vehicle-to-vehicle channel characterization in the presence of vehicle blockage
M Boban, D Dupleich, N Iqbal, J Luo, C Schneider, R Müller, Z Yu, ...
IEEE access 7, 9724-9735, 2019
Final report on link level and system level channel models
DS Baum, H El-Sallabi, T Jamsa, J Meinila, P Kyosti, X Zhao, D Laselva, ...
WINNER project deliverable D 5, 2005
Large scale parameter for the WINNER II channel model at 2.53 GHz in urban macro cell
C Schneider, M Narandzic, M Käske, G Sommerkorn, RS Thomä
2010 IEEE 71st Vehicular Technology Conference, 1-5, 2010
3D MIMO outdoor-to-indoor propagation channel measurement
V Kristem, S Sangodoyin, CU Bas, M Käske, J Lee, C Schneider, ...
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 16 (7), 4600-4613, 2017
Emulation of virtual radio environments for realistic end-to-end testing for intelligent traffic systems
MA Hein, C Bornkessel, W Kotterman, C Schneider, RK Sharma, ...
2015 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Microwaves for Intelligent …, 2015
WINNER II channel models part II radio channel measurement and analysis results
P Kyösti, J Meinilä, L Hentilä, X Zhao, T Jämsä, C Schneider, M Narandzic, ...
WINNER II Public Deliverables, 2007
Ultrawideband multichannel sounding for mm-wave
R Müller, R Herrmann, DA Dupleich, C Schneider, RS Thomä
The 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2014), 817-821, 2014
Analysis of local quasi-stationarity regions in an urban macrocell scenario
A Ispas, G Ascheid, C Schneider, R Thoma
2010 IEEE 71st Vehicular Technology Conference, 1-5, 2010
Multi-user MIMO channel reference data for channel modelling and system evaluation from measurements
C Schneider, G Sommerkorn, M Narandzic, M Käske, A Hong, V Algeier, ...
Int. ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas, 1-8, 2009
WINNER II channel models
P Kysti, J Meinil, L Hentil, X Zhao, T Jms, C Schneider, M Narandzi, ...
IST WINNER II, Munich, Germany, Tech. Rep. D 1, 2007
3D-antenna array model for IST-WINNER channel simulations
M Narandzic, M Kaske, C Schneider, M Milojevic, M Landmann, ...
2007 IEEE 65th Vehicular Technology Conference-VTC2007-Spring, 319-323, 2007
WINNER II channel models (d1. 1.2 v1. 1)
P Kyösti, J Meinilä, L Hentilä, X Zhao, T Jämsä, C Schneider, M Narandzic, ...
Radio Technologies and Concepts for IMT-Advanced 1, 38, 2007
Geometry-based channel modelling of MIMO channels in comparison with channel sounder measurements
G Del Galdo, M Haardt, C Schneider
Advances in Radio Science 2 (BC), 117-126, 2005
Directional characterization of the 60 GHz indoor-office channel
D Dupleich, F Fuschini, R Mueller, E Vitucci, C Schneider, V Degli Esposti, ...
2014 XXXIth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS), 1-4, 2014
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