Chun-Hao Paul Huang
Chun-Hao Paul Huang
Adobe Research
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PARE: Part attention regressor for 3D human body estimation
M Kocabas, CHP Huang, O Hilliges, MJ Black
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2021
AGORA: Avatars in geography optimized for regression analysis
P Patel, CHP Huang, J Tesch, DT Hoffmann, S Tripathi, MJ Black
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2021
Pix2video: Video editing using image diffusion
D Ceylan, CHP Huang, NJ Mitra
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2023
Heterogeneous domain adaptation and classification by exploiting the correlation subspace
YR Yeh, CH Huang, YCF Wang
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 23 (5), 2009-2018, 2014
SPEC: Seeing people in the wild with an estimated camera
M Kocabas, CHP Huang, J Tesch, L Müller, O Hilliges, MJ Black
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2021
Capturing and inferring dense full-body human-scene contact
CHP Huang, H Yi, M Höschle, M Safroshkin, T Alexiadis, S Polikovsky, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2022
On self-contact and human pose
L Muller, AAA Osman, S Tang, CHP Huang, MJ Black
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2021
3D human pose estimation via intuitive physics
S Tripathi, L Müller, CHP Huang, O Taheri, MJ Black, D Tzionas
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2023
Human-aware object placement for visual environment reconstruction
H Yi, CHP Huang, D Tzionas, M Kocabas, M Hassan, S Tang, J Thies, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2022
Accurate 3D body shape regression using metric and semantic attributes
V Choutas, L Müller, CHP Huang, S Tang, D Tzionas, MJ Black
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2022
MIME: Human-aware 3D scene generation
H Yi, CHP Huang, S Tripathi, L Hering, J Thies, MJ Black
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
Recognizing actions across cameras by exploring the correlated subspace
CH Huang, YR Yeh, YCF Wang
Computer Vision–ECCV 2012. Workshops and Demonstrations, 342-351, 2012
Robust human body shape and pose tracking
CH Huang, E Boyer, S Ilic
2013 International Conference on 3D Vision-3DV 2013, 287-294, 2013
Human shape and pose tracking using keyframes
CH Huang, E Boyer, N Navab, S Ilic
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2014
Volumetric 3D tracking by detection
CH Huang, B Allain, JS Franco, N Navab, S Ilic, E Boyer
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2016
Depth maps interpolation from existing pairs of keyframes and depth maps for 3D video generation
HM Wang, CH Huang, JF Yang
Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems …, 2010
Toward User-Specific Tracking by Detection of Human Shapes in Multi-Cameras
CH Huang, E Boyer, B do Canto Angonese, N Navab, S Ilic
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2015
Tracking-by-detection of 3D human shapes: from surfaces to volumes
CHP Huang, B Allain, E Boyer, JS Franco, F Tombari, N Navab, S Ilic
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 40 (8), 1994-2008, 2017
A bayesian approach to multi-view 4d modeling
CH Huang, C Cagniart, E Boyer, S Ilic
International Journal of Computer Vision 116, 115-135, 2016
Block-based depth maps interpolation for efficient multiview content generation
HM Wang, CH Huang, JF Yang
IEEE transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 21 (12), 1847 …, 2011
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