Pascal Burgmer
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Anxious and egocentric: how specific emotions influence perspective taking.
AR Todd, M Forstmann, P Burgmer, AW Brooks, AD Galinsky
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 144 (2), 374, 2015
Perspective Taking and Automatic Intergroup Evaluation Change: Testing an Associative Self-Anchoring Account.
AR Todd, P Burgmer
American Psychological Association, 2013
“The mind is willing, but the flesh is weak” The effects of mind-body dualism on health behavior
M Forstmann, P Burgmer, T Mussweiler
Psychological science 23 (10), 1239-1245, 2012
Adults are intuitive mind-body dualists.
M Forstmann, P Burgmer
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 144 (1), 222, 2015
Trust in everyday life.
A Weiss, C Michels, P Burgmer, T Mussweiler, A Ockenfels, W Hofmann
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 121 (1), 95, 2021
I don’t feel ya: How narcissism shapes empathy
P Burgmer, A Weiss, K Ohmann
Self and Identity 20 (2), 199-215, 2021
The science of lay theories
CM Zedelius, BCN Müller, JW Schooler
Nueva York, Estados Unidos: Springer Publishing 2, 2017
Two-faced morality: Distrust promotes divergent moral standards for the self versus others
A Weiss, P Burgmer, T Mussweiler
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 44 (12), 1712-1724, 2018
Bullseye! How power improves motor performance
P Burgmer, B Englich
Social psychological and personality science 4 (2), 224-232, 2013
Nothing compares to me: How narcissism shapes comparative thinking
K Ohmann, P Burgmer
Personality and Individual Differences 98, 162-170, 2016
A free will needs a free mind: Belief in substance dualism and reductive physicalism differentially predict belief in free will and determinism
M Forstmann, P Burgmer
Consciousness and cognition 63, 280-293, 2018
Mind-body dualism and health revisited
P Burgmer, M Forstmann
Social Psychology, 2018
Power increases the self‐serving bias in the attribution of collective successes and failures
J Lammers, P Burgmer
European Journal of Social Psychology 49 (5), 1087-1095, 2019
Antecedents, manifestations, and consequences of belief in mind–body dualism
M Forstmann, P Burgmer
The science of lay theories: How beliefs shape our cognition, behavior, and …, 2017
Distrusting your moral compass: The impact of distrust mindsets on moral dilemma processing and judgments
P Conway, A Weiss, P Burgmer, T Mussweiler
Social Cognition 36 (3), 345-380, 2018
Power increases anchoring effects on judgment
J Lammers, P Burgmer
Social Cognition 35 (1), 40-53, 2017
Abstract thinking increases support for affirmative action
A Fleischmann, P Burgmer
Sex Roles 82 (7), 493-511, 2020
Ideas are cheap: When and why adults value labor over ideas.
P Burgmer, M Forstmann, O Stavrova
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 148 (5), 824, 2019
Defining key concepts for mental state attribution
F Quesque, I Apperly, R Baillargeon, S Baron-Cohen, C Becchio, ...
Communications Psychology 2 (1), 29, 2024
The experience of trust in everyday life
A Weiss, P Burgmer, W Hofmann
Current Opinion in Psychology 44, 245-251, 2022
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