Long Chen
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Zitiert von
Block-secure: Blockchain based scheme for secure P2P cloud storage
J Li, J Wu, L Chen
Information Sciences 465, 219-231, 2018
Dependency-Aware Computation Offloading for Mobile Edge Computing with Edge-Cloud Cooperation
L Chen, J Wu, J Zhang, HN Dai, X Long, M Yao
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 10 (4), 1-18, 2022
An adaptive collision-free MAC protocol based on TDMA for inter-vehicular communication
W Guo, L Huang, L Chen, H Xu, J Xie
2012 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal …, 2012
Blockchain-based security architecture for distributed cloud storage
J Li, Z Liu, L Chen, P Chen, J Wu
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing …, 2017
TARCO: Two-Stage Auction for D2D Relay Aided Computation Resource Allocation in Hetnet
L Chen, J Wu, X Zhang, G Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 14 (1), 286-299, 2021
QUICK: QoS-guaranteed efficient cloudlet placement in wireless metropolitan area networks
L Chen, J Wu, G Zhou, L Ma
The Journal of Supercomputing 74, 4037-4059, 2018
DOTA: Delay Bounded Optimal Cloudlet Deployment and User Association in WMANs
L Ma, J Wu, L Chen
CCGrid '17 Proceedings of the 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on …, 2017
Fog computing model and efficient algorithms for directional vehicle mobility in vehicular network
Y Wu, J Wu, L Chen, G Zhou, J Yan
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (5), 2599-2614, 2020
Load balance guaranteed vehicle-to-vehicle computation offloading for min-max fairness in VANETs
Y Wu, J Wu, L Chen, J Yan, Y Han
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (8), 11994-12013, 2021
Blockchain-based secure key management for mobile edge computing
J Li, J Wu, L Chen, J Li, SK Lam
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 22 (1), 100-114, 2021
Efficient task scheduling for servers with dynamic states in vehicular edge computing
Y Wu, J Wu, L Chen, J Yan, Y Luo
Computer Communications 150, 245-253, 2020
R-MAC: Risk-Aware Dynamic MAC Protocol for Vehicular Cooperative Collision Avoidance System
W Guo, L Huang, L Chen, H Xu, C Miao
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 2013, 2013
A Combinatorial Double Auction Mechanism for Cloud Resource Group-buying
Z Sun., Z Zhu., L Chen., H Xu., L Huang.
The 33rd IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications …, 2014
Fast Algorithms for Capacitated Cloudlet Placements
L Ma, J Wu, L Chen, Z Liu
IEEE 21st International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in …, 2017
BRAINS: Joint Bandwidth-Relay Allocation in Multi-Homing Cooperative D2D Networks
L Chen, J Wu, HN Dai, X Huang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 67 (6), 5387 - 5398, 2018
Energy-Effcient Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing with Edge-Cloud Collaboration
X Long, J Wu, L Chen
18th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel …, 2018
Task Scheduling in Mobile Edge Computing with Stochastic Requests and M/M/1 Servers
Y Luo, J Wu, Y Wu, L Chen
The 21st IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and …, 2019
ETRA: Efficient Three-Stage Resource Allocation Auction for Mobile Blockchain in Edge Computing
C Xia, H Chen, X Liu, J Wu, L Chen
2018 IEEE 24th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems …, 2018
Smart Contract-Based Long-Term Auction for Mobile Blockchain Computation Offloading
T Liu, J Wu, L Chen, Y Wu, Y Li
IEEE Access 8, 36029-36042, 2020
Deduplication with blockchain for secure cloud storage
J Li, J Wu, L Chen, J Li
Big Data: 6th CCF Conference, Big Data 2018, Xi'an, China, October 11-13 …, 2018
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