Andreas Nürnberger
Andreas Nürnberger
Professor of Data and Knowledge Engineering, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
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A brief survey of text mining
A Hotho, A Nürnberger, G Paaß
Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics 20 (1), 19-62, 2005
The power of ensembles for active learning in image classification
WH Beluch, T Genewein, A Nürnberger, JM Köhler
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018
CHAOS challenge-combined (CT-MR) healthy abdominal organ segmentation
AE Kavur, NS Gezer, M Barış, S Aslan, PH Conze, V Groza, DD Pham, ...
Medical Image Analysis 69, 101950, 2021
Fuzzy control: fundamentals, stability and design of fuzzy controllers
K Michels, F Klawonn, R Kruse, A Nürnberger
Springer, 2007
Research Paper Recommender System Evaluation: A Quantitative Literature Survey
J Beel, S Langer, M Genzmehr, B Gipp, C Breitinger, A Nürnberger
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Reproducibility and Replication …, 2013
A comparative analysis of offline and online evaluations and discussion of research paper recommender system evaluation
J Beel, M Genzmehr, S Langer, A Nürnberger, B Gipp
Proceedings of the international workshop on reproducibility and replication …, 2013
Introducing Docear's research paper recommender system
J Beel, S Langer, M Genzmehr, A Nürnberger
Proceedings of the 13th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries …, 2013
Neuro-fuzzy approach to forecast returns of scrapped products to recycling and remanufacturing
J Marx-Gomez, C Rautenstrauch, A Nürnberger, R Kruse
Knowledge-Based Systems 15 (1-2), 119-128, 2002
Neuro-fuzzy control based on the NEFCON-model: recent developments
A Nürnberger, D Nauck, R Kruse
Soft Computing 2, 168-182, 1999
Classification of brain tumours in MR images using deep spatiospatial models
S Chatterjee, FA Nizamani, A Nürnberger, O Speck
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 1505, 2022
The impact of demographics (age and gender) and other user-characteristics on evaluating recommender systems
J Beel, S Langer, A Nürnberger, M Genzmehr
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: International …, 2013
Designing gaze-supported multimodal interactions for the exploration of large image collections
S Stellmach, S Stober, A Nürnberger, R Dachselt
Proceedings of the 1st conference on novel gaze-controlled applications, 1-8, 2011
Specifics of information retrieval for young users: A survey
T Gossen, A Nürnberger
Information Processing & Management 49 (4), 739-756, 2013
Revised n-gram based automatic spelling correction tool to improve retrieval effectiveness
F Ahmed, EWD Luca, A Nürnberger
Polibits, 39-48, 2009
The architecture and datasets of Docear's Research paper recommender system
J Beel, S Langer, B Gipp, A Nürnberger
A Comparative Study on Language Identification Methods.
L Grothe, EW De Luca, A Nürnberger
LREC, 2008
Interactive text retrieval based on document similarities
A Klose, A Nürnberger, R Kruse, G Hartmann, M Richards
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy 25 (8 …, 2000
What are the real differences of children's and adults' web search
T Gossen, T Low, A Nürnberger
Proceedings of the 34th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and …, 2011
Wisdom-the blurry top of human cognition in the DIKW-model
A Hoppe, R Seising, A Nürnberger, C Wenzel
Proceedings of the EUSFLAT conference, Aix-les-Bains, France 1, 584-591, 2011
Improving naive Bayes classifiers using neuro-fuzzy learning
A Nürnberger, C Borgelt, A Klose
Neural Information Processing. Proceedings of 6th International Conference …, 1999
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