Zhaoyan Xu
Zhaoyan Xu
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Droidminer: Automated mining and characterization of fine-grained malicious behaviors in android applications
C Yang, Z Xu, G Gu, V Yegneswaran, P Porras
Computer Security-ESORICS 2014: 19th European Symposium on Research in …, 2014
Iotcandyjar: Towards an intelligent-interaction honeypot for iot devices
T Luo, Z Xu, X Jin, Y Jia, X Ouyang
Black Hat 1, 1-11, 2017
Srid: State relation based intrusion detection for false data injection attacks in scada
Y Wang, Z Xu, J Zhang, L Xu, H Wang, G Gu
Computer Security-ESORICS 2014: 19th European Symposium on Research in …, 2014
A memory model for static analysis of C programs
Z Xu, T Kremenek, J Zhang
Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification, and Validation: 4th …, 2010
CyberProbe: Towards Internet-Scale Active Detection of Malicious Servers.
A Nappa, Z Xu, MZ Rafique, J Caballero, G Gu
NDSS, 2014
EFFORT: Efficient and effective bot malware detection
S Shin, Z Xu, G Gu
INFOCOM, 2012 Proceedings IEEE, 2846-2850, 2012
Autoprobe: Towards automatic active malicious server probing using dynamic binary analysis
Z Xu, A Nappa, R Baykov, G Yang, J Caballero, G Gu
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2014
GoldenEye: Efficiently and Effectively Unveiling Malware’s Targeted Environment
Z Xu, J Zhang, G Gu, Z Lin
Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses: 17th International Symposium …, 2014
PeerPress: utilizing enemies' P2P strength against them
Z Xu, L Chen, G Gu, C Kruegel
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2012
Malicious HTTP cookies detection and clustering
Z Xu, W Xu, K Sanders
US Patent 10,547,627, 2020
Poisonamplifier: a guided approach of discovering compromised websites through reversing search poisoning attacks
J Zhang, C Yang, Z Xu, G Gu
Research in Attacks, Intrusions, and Defenses, 230-253, 2012
Path and context sensitive inter-procedural memory leak detection
Z Xu, J Zhang
2008 The Eighth International Conference on Quality Software, 412-420, 2008
PRIDE: Practical intrusion detection in resource constrained wireless mesh networks
A Hassanzadeh, Z Xu, R Stoleru, G Gu, M Polychronakis
Information and Communications Security: 15th International Conference …, 2013
AUTOVAC: Automatically Extracting System Resource Constraints and Generating Vaccines for Malware Immunization
Z Xu, J Zhang, G Gu, Z Lin
Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2013 IEEE 33rd International …, 2013
EFFORT: A new host–network cooperated framework for efficient and effective bot malware detection
S Shin, Z Xu, G Gu
Computer Networks 57 (13), 2628-2642, 2013
PRIDE: A practical intrusion detection system for resource constrained wireless mesh networks
A Hassanzadeh, Z Xu, R Stoleru, G Gu, M Polychronakis
Computers & Security 62, 114-132, 2016
Dpx: Data-plane extensions for sdn security service instantiation
T Park, Y Kim, V Yegneswaran, P Porras, Z Xu, KS Park, S Shin
Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment: 16th …, 2019
Cookies watermarking in malware analysis
Z Xu, W Xu, K Sanders
US Patent 10,489,581, 2019
Using browser context in evasive web-based malware detection
T Luo, X Ouyang, Z Xu, X Jin
US Patent 10,747,881, 2020
Generation of malware traffic signatures using natural language processing by a neural network
Z Xu, T Luo
US Patent 10,785,236, 2020
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