Mathias Kauff
Mathias Kauff
Medical School Hamburg
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Die Kurzskala Autoritarismus (KSA-3): Ein ökonomisches Messinstrument zur Erfassung dreier Subdimensionen autoritärer Einstellungen
C Beierlein, F Asbrock, M Kauff, P Schmidt
DEU 2014, 29, 2014
Side effects of multiculturalism: The interaction effect of a multicultural ideology and authoritarianism on prejudice and diversity beliefs
M Kauff, F Asbrock, S Thörner, U Wagner
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 39 (3), 305-320, 2013
Observing many researchers using the same data and hypothesis reveals a hidden universe of uncertainty
N Breznau, EM Rinke, A Wuttke, HHV Nguyen, M Adem, J Adriaans, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (44), e2203150119, 2022
Does negative contact undermine attempts to improve intergroup relations? Deepening the understanding of negative contact and its consequences for intergroup contact research …
SJ Schäfer, M Kauff, F Prati, M Kros, T Lang, O Christ
Journal of Social Issues 77 (1), 197-216, 2021
Many Labs 5: Testing pre-data-collection peer review as an intervention to increase replicability
CR Ebersole, MB Mathur, E Baranski, DJ Bart-Plange, NR Buttrick, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 3 (3), 309-331, 2020
How do we get people into contact? Predictors of intergroup contact and drivers of contact seeking
M Kauff, M Beneda, S Paolini, M Bilewicz, P Kotzur, AW O'Donnell, ...
Journal of Social Issues 77 (1), 38-63, 2021
Intergroup contact theory
O Christ, M Kauff
Social psychology in action: Evidence-based interventions from theory to …, 2019
Valuable therefore not threatening: The influence of diversity beliefs on discrimination against immigrants
M Kauff, U Wagner
Social Psychological and Personality Science 3 (6), 714-721, 2012
(Bad) feelings about meeting them? Episodic and chronic intergroup emotions associated with positive and negative intergroup contact as predictors of intergroup behavior
M Kauff, F Asbrock, U Wagner, TF Pettigrew, M Hewstone, SJ Schäfer, ...
Frontiers in psychology 8, 1449, 2017
Effects of majority members' positive intergroup contact on minority members' support for ingroup rights: Mobilizing or demobilizing effects?
M Kauff, EGT Green, K Schmid, M Hewstone, O Christ
European Journal of Social Psychology 46 (7), 833-839, 2016
Intergroup contact is reliably associated with reduced prejudice, even in the face of group threat and discrimination.
J Van Assche, H Swart, K Schmid, K Dhont, A Al Ramiah, O Christ, ...
American Psychologist, 2023
Kontakt hilft–auch wenn die Politik es nicht immer leichtmacht
F Asbrock, M Kauff, C Issmer, O Christ, TF Pettigrew, U Wagner
Deutsche Zustände. Folge 10, 199-219, 2012
Intergroup Contact Effects via Ingroup Distancing among Majority and Minority Groups: Moderation by Social Dominance Orientation
M Kauff, K Schmid, S Lolliot, A Al Ramiah, M Hewstone
PLoS ONE 11, 2016
Die Kurzskala Autoritarismus (KSA-3)
C Beierlein, F Asbrock, M Kauff, P Schmidt
Ein ökonomisches Messinstrument zur Erfassung dreier Subdimensionen …, 2014
When minority groups ‘misbehave’: The influence of perceived deviant behavior on increased threat and discriminatory intentions and the moderating role of Right-Wing …
M Kauff, S Thörner, U Wagner, C Issmer, F Asbrock
European Journal of Social Psychology 45 (5), 641-652, 2015
Impact of discrimination on health among adolescent immigrant minorities in Europe: The role of perceived discrimination by police and security personnel
M Kauff, R Wölfer, M Hewstone
Journal of Social Issues 73 (4), 831-851, 2017
Pro-diversity beliefs and intergroup relations
M Kauff, F Asbrock, K Schmid
European Review of Social Psychology 32 (2), 269-304, 2021
Measuring beliefs in the instrumentality of ethnic diversity: Development and validation of the Pro-Diversity Beliefs Scale (PDBS)
M Kauff, S Stegmann, R van Dick, C Beierlein, O Christ
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 22 (4), 494-510, 2019
Authoritarian disbeliefs in diversity
F Asbrock, M Kauff
The Journal of Social Psychology, 2015
Pro‐diversity beliefs and everyday ethnic discrimination on grounds of foreign names
M Kauff, C Issmer, J Nau
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 23 (6), 536-542, 2013
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Articles 1–20