Martin Greiter
Martin Greiter
Universtät Würzburg
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Topolectrical-circuit realization of topological corner modes
S Imhof, C Berger, F Bayer, J Brehm, LW Molenkamp, T Kiessling, ...
Nature Physics 14 (9), 925-929, 2018
Generalized bulk–boundary correspondence in non-Hermitian topolectrical circuits
T Helbig, T Hofmann, S Imhof, M Abdelghany, T Kiessling, ...
Nature Physics 16 (7), 747-750, 2020
Topological funneling of light
S Weidemann, M Kremer, T Helbig, T Hofmann, A Stegmaier, M Greiter, ...
Science 368 (6488), 311-314, 2020
Paired Hall state at half filling
M Greiter, XG Wen, F Wilczek
Physical review letters 66 (24), 3205, 1991
Paired hall states
M Greiter, XG Wen, F Wilczek
Nuclear Physics B 374 (3), 567-614, 1992
Reciprocal skin effect and its realization in a topolectrical circuit
T Hofmann, T Helbig, F Schindler, N Salgo, M Brzezińska, M Greiter, ...
Physical review research 2 (2), 023265, 2020
Chiral voltage propagation and calibration in a topolectrical Chern circuit
T Hofmann, T Helbig, CH Lee, M Greiter, R Thomale
Physical review letters 122 (24), 247702, 2019
Hydrodynamic relations in superconductivity
M Greiter, F Wilczek, E Witten
Modern Physics Letters B 3 (12), 903-918, 1989
Spin Hamiltonian for which the chiral spin liquid is the exact ground state
DF Schroeter, E Kapit, R Thomale, M Greiter
Physical review letters 99 (9), 097202, 2007
Topological Defect Engineering and Symmetry in Non-Hermitian Electrical Circuits
A Stegmaier, S Imhof, T Helbig, T Hofmann, CH Lee, M Kremer, ...
Physical Review Letters 126 (21), 215302, 2021
Valence bond solids for spin chains: Exact models, spinon confinement, and the Haldane gap
M Greiter, S Rachel
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (18), 184441, 2007
Robust spin-polarized midgap states at step edges of topological crystalline insulators
P Sessi, D Di Sante, A Szczerbakow, F Glott, S Wilfert, H Schmidt, ...
Science 354 (6317), 1269-1273, 2016
Non-Abelian statistics in a quantum antiferromagnet
M Greiter, R Thomale
Physical review letters 102 (20), 207203, 2009
Coupled-wire construction of chiral spin liquids
T Meng, T Neupert, M Greiter, R Thomale
Physical Review B 91 (24), 241106, 2015
The 1D Ising model and the topological phase of the Kitaev chain
M Greiter, V Schnells, R Thomale
Annals of Physics 351, 1026-1033, 2014
Imaging nodal knots in momentum space through topolectrical circuits
CH Lee, A Sutrisno, T Hofmann, T Helbig, Y Liu, YS Ang, LK Ang, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 4385, 2020
Paramagnetism in the kagome compounds
Y Iqbal, HO Jeschke, J Reuther, R Valentí, II Mazin, M Greiter, R Thomale
Physical Review B 92 (22), 220404, 2015
Simulating hyperbolic space on a circuit board
PM Lenggenhager, A Stegmaier, LK Upreti, T Hofmann, T Helbig, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 4373, 2022
Parent Hamiltonian for the non-Abelian chiral spin liquid
M Greiter, DF Schroeter, R Thomale
Physical Review B 89 (16), 165125, 2014
Parent Hamiltonian for the chiral spin liquid
R Thomale, E Kapit, DF Schroeter, M Greiter
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (10), 104406, 2009
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