Modernes Agrarmanagement: Betriebswirtschaftliche Analyse-und Planungsverfahren O Mußhoff, N Hirschauer
Vahlen, 2016
173 2016 Adoption of organic farming in Germany and Austria: an integrative dynamic investment perspective O Musshoff, N Hirschauer
Agricultural Economics 39 (1), 135-145, 2008
104 2008 Happiness and utility in economic thought—Or: What can we learn from happiness research for public policy analysis and public policy making? N Hirschauer, M Lehberger, O Musshoff
Social Indicators Research 121, 647-674, 2015
94 2015 Can -values be meaningfully interpreted without random sampling? N Hirschauer, S Grüner, O Mußhoff, C Becker, A Jantsch
90 2020 Nudging farmers to comply with water protection rules–experimental evidence from Germany D Peth, O Mußhoff, K Funke, N Hirschauer
Ecological economics 152, 310-321, 2018
68 2018 A game-theoretic approach to behavioral food risks: The case of grain producers N Hirschauer, O Musshoff
Food Policy 32 (2), 246-265, 2007
54 2007 An analytical framework for a behavioural analysis of non‐compliance in food supply chains N Hirschauer, M Bavorová, G Martino
British Food Journal 114 (9), 1212-1227, 2012
49 2012 Understanding and managing behavioural risks: the case of malpractice in poultry production N Hirschauer, S Zwoll
European Journal of Law and Economics 26, 27-60, 2008
43 2008 Investment under uncertainty—Does competition matter? M Odening, O Musshoff, N Hirschauer, A Balmann
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 31 (3), 994-1014, 2007
43 2007 Die Interpretation des p-Wertes–Grundsätzliche Missverständnisse N Hirschauer, O Mußhoff, S Grüner, U Frey, I Theesfeld, P Wagner
Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 236 (5), 557-575, 2016
38 2016 Eliciting risk attitudes–how to avoid mean and variance bias in Holt-and-Laury lotteries N Hirschauer, O Musshoff, SC Maart-Noelck, S Gruener
Applied Economics Letters 21 (1), 35-38, 2014
38 2014 What benefits are to be derived from improved farm program planning approaches?–The role of time series models and stochastic optimization O Mußhoff, N Hirschauer
Agricultural Systems 95 (1-3), 11-27, 2007
38 2007 Attraktivität einer landwirtschaftlichen Tätigkeit: Einflussfaktoren und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten O Mußhoff, A Tegtmeier, N Hirschauer
Diskussionsbeitrag, 2012
35 2012 Portfolio effects and the willingness to pay for weather insurances O Musshoff, N Hirschauer, M Odening
34 2008 A behavioral economic analysis of bounded rationality in farm financing decisions: First empirical evidence O Musshoff, N Hirschauer
Agricultural Finance Review 71 (1), 62-83, 2011
33 2011 A Model-Based Approach to Moral Hazard in Food Chains-What Contribution Do Principal-Agent-Models Make to the Understanding of Food Risks Induced by Opportunistic Behaviour … N Hirschauer
Eine Modellbasierte Annäherung an Moral Hazard in Nahrungsmittelketten …, 2004
32 2004 Inference using non-random samples? Stop right there! N Hirschauer, S Grüner, O Mußhoff, C Becker, A Jantsch
Significance 18 (5), 20-24, 2021
31 2021 Twenty Steps Towards an Adequate Inferential Interpretation of p -Values in Econometrics N Hirschauer, S Grüner, O Mußhoff, C Becker
Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 239 (4), 703-721, 2019
31 2019 Modernes Agrar-Management. Betriebswirtschaftliche Analyse–und Planungswerfahren O Mußhoff, N Hirschauer
Auflage, Verlag Franz Vahlen GmbH, München, 2013
29 2013 Using business simulation games in regulatory impact analysis–the case of policies aimed at reducing nitrogen leaching O Musshoff, N Hirschauer
Applied Economics 46 (25), 3049-3060, 2014
28 2014