Javier Ekboir
Javier Ekboir
Independent consultant
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From best practice to best fit: A framework for designing and analyzing pluralistic agricultural advisory services worldwide
R Birner, K Davis, J Pender, E Nkonya, P Anandajayasekeram, J Ekboir, ...
Journal of agricultural education and extension 15 (4), 341-355, 2009
The art and science of innovation systems inquiry: Applications to Sub-Saharan African agriculture
DJ Spielman, J Ekboir, K Davis
Technology in society 31 (4), 399-405, 2009
An innovation systems perspective on strengthening agricultural education and training in sub-Saharan Africa
DJ Spielman, J Ekboir, K Davis, CMO Ochieng
Agricultural systems 98 (1), 1-9, 2008
Research and technology policies in innovation systems: zero tillage in Brazil
JM Ekboir
Research policy 32 (4), 573-586, 2003
Strengthening agricultural education and training in sub-Saharan Africa from an innovation systems perspective: a case study of Mozambique
KE Davis, J Ekboir, DJ Spielman
Journal of agricultural education and extension 14 (1), 35-51, 2008
Why impact analysis should not be used for research evaluation and what the alternatives are
J Ekboir
Agricultural systems 78 (2), 166-184, 2003
Potential impact of foot and mouth disease in California
JM Ekboir
Davis CA: Agricultural issues Center, Division of Agriculture and Natural …, 1999
Impact of no-till technologies in Ghana
J Ekboir, K Boa, AA Dankyi
CIMMYT, 2002
Developing no-till packages for small-scale farmers
J Ekboir
CIMMYT 2000-2001 world wheat overview and outlook: developing no-till packages for small-scale farmers
J Ekboir
CIMMYT, 2002
Public-private interactions and technology policy in innovation processes for zero tillage in Argentina.
J Ekboir, G Parellada
Agricultural research policy in an era of privatization, 137-154, 2002
A control package revolving around the removal of single diseased banana stems is effective for the restoration of Xanthomonas wilt infected fields
G Blomme, W Ocimati, C Sivirihauma, L Vutseme, B Mariamu, M Kamira, ...
European Journal of Plant Pathology 149, 385-400, 2017
Successful organizational learning in the management of agricultural research and innovation: The Mexican Produce Foundations
JM Ekboir, G Dutrénit, G Martinez V, AT Vargas, AO Vera-Cruz
Do linkages between farmers and academic researchers influence researcher productivity? The Mexican case
R Rivera-Huerta, G Dutrénit, JM Ekboir, JL Sampedro, AO Vera-Cruz
Research Policy 40 (7), 932-942, 2011
The concept of integrated natural resource management (INRM) and its implications for developing evaluation methods.
B Douthwaite, JM Ekboir, SJ Twomlow, JDH Keatinge
Natural Resource Management in Agriculture: Methods for assessing economic …, 2005
Contending with complexity: the role of evaluation in implementing sustainable natural resource management
B Douthwaite, R Delve, J Ekboir, S Twomlow
International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 1 (1), 51-66, 2003
The role of the public sector in the development and implementation of animal health policies
JM Ekboir
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 40 (2), 101-115, 1999
Virtues and limits of competitive funds to finance research and innovation: the case of Mexican agriculture
AO Vera-Cruz, G Dutrénit, G Martínez, A Torres-Vargas, J Ekboir
Science and Public Policy 35 (7), 501-513, 2008
Changes in foot and mouth disease status and evolving world beef markets
J Ekboir, LS Jarvis, DA Sumner, JE Bervejillo, WR Sutton
Agribusiness: An International Journal 18 (2), 213-229, 2002
The performance of Latinos in rural public schools: A comparative analysis of test scores in grades 3, 6, and 12
S Hampton, JM Ekboir, RI Rochin
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 17 (4), 480-498, 1995
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