Manish Gangwar
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
The role of big data and predictive analytics in retailing
ET Bradlow, M Gangwar, P Kopalle, S Voleti
Journal of retailing 93 (1), 79-95, 2017
Examining artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in marketing via a global lens: Current trends and future research opportunities
PK Kopalle, M Gangwar, A Kaplan, D Ramachandran, W Reinartz, ...
International Journal of Research in Marketing 39 (2), 522-540, 2022
When celebrities count: Power distance beliefs and celebrity endorsements
KP Winterich, M Gangwar, R Grewal
Journal of Marketing 82 (3), 70-86, 2018
Cross-channel effects of omnichannel retail marketing strategies: A review of extant data-driven research
A Timoumi, M Gangwar, MK Mantrala
Journal of Retailing 98 (1), 133-151, 2022
Safety incentives
PM Goodrum, M Gangwar
Professional Safety 49 (7), 24-34, 2004
The effect of time on safety incentive programs in the US construction industry
M Gangwar, PM Goodrum
Construction Management and Economics 23 (8), 851-859, 2005
Polygamous store loyalties: an empirical investigation
Q Zhang, M Gangwar, PB Seetharaman
Journal of Retailing 93 (4), 477-492, 2017
Consumer stockpiling and competitive promotional strategies
M Gangwar, N Kumar, RC Rao
Marketing Science 33 (1), 94-113, 2014
The relationship between changes in equipment technology and wages in the US construction industry
PM Goodrum, M Gangwar
Construction Management and Economics 22 (3), 291-301, 2004
Pricing for SaaS: When Does Free Allowance Matter? On the Optimality of Non-Linear Three- and Two-Part Tariff Plans
HK Bhargava, M Gangwar
Operations Research 66 (6), 1517-1532, 2018
Dynamic pricing: Definition, implications for managers, and future research directions
PK Kopalle, K Pauwels, LY Akella, M Gangwar
Journal of Retailing 99 (4), 580-593, 2023
Why the dynamics of competition matter for category profitability
S Voleti, M Gangwar, PK Kopalle
Journal of Marketing 81 (1), 1-16, 2017
" Pay as you go" or" all you can eat"? Pricing methods for computing and information services
HK Bhargava, M Gangwar
2016 49th Hawaii international conference on system sciences (HICSS), 5239-5248, 2016
Pricing under dynamic competition when loyal consumers stockpile
M Gangwar, N Kumar, RC Rao
Marketing Science 40 (3), 569-588, 2021
The effectiveness of safety incentives in construction
P Goodrum, M Gangwar
ASSE Journal of Professional Safety, 24-34, 2004
Pricing On‐Demand Services: Alternative ways of combining usage (per-unit) and access (monthly) fees
M Gangwar, HK Bhargava
Production and Operations Management 32 (1), 11-27, 2023
Pricing strategies
M Gangwar, VR Rao
The Routledge Companion to Strategic Marketing, 309-324, 2020
Mobile telephony pricing in emerging markets
HK Bhargava, M Gangwar
Optimal pricing strategies under consumer stockpiling and store loyalty
M Gangwar
The University of Texas at Dallas, 2009
Understanding the Canvas of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Healthcare in India
S Jaiswal, A Sarkar, DVR Seshadri, N Syam, M Gangwar
Available at SSRN 4797362, 2023
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