Christian Schneider
Christian Schneider
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
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On-demand single photons with high extraction efficiency and near-unity indistinguishability from a resonantly driven quantum dot in a micropillar
X Ding, Y He, ZC Duan, N Gregersen, MC Chen, S Unsleber, S Maier, ...
Physical review letters 116 (2), 020401, 2016
On-demand semiconductor single-photon source with near-unity indistinguishability
YM He, Y He, YJ Wei, D Wu, M Atatüre, C Schneider, S Höfling, M Kamp, ...
Nature nanotechnology 8 (3), 213-217, 2013
Quantum-dot spin–photon entanglement via frequency downconversion to telecom wavelength
K De Greve, L Yu, PL McMahon, JS Pelc, CM Natarajan, NY Kim, E Abe, ...
Nature 491 (7424), 421-425, 2012
An electrically pumped polariton laser
C Schneider, A Rahimi-Iman, NY Kim, J Fischer, IG Savenko, M Amthor, ...
Nature 497 (7449), 348-352, 2013
Observation of non-Hermitian degeneracies in a chaotic exciton-polariton billiard
T Gao, E Estrecho, KY Bliokh, TCH Liew, MD Fraser, S Brodbeck, M Kamp, ...
Nature 526 (7574), 554-558, 2015
Boson Sampling with 20 Input Photons and a 60-Mode Interferometer in a -Dimensional Hilbert Space
H Wang, J Qin, X Ding, MC Chen, S Chen, X You, YM He, X Jiang, L You, ...
Physical review letters 123 (25), 250503, 2019
Exciton-polariton topological insulator
S Klembt, TH Harder, OA Egorov, K Winkler, R Ge, MA Bandres, ...
Nature 562 (7728), 552-556, 2018
High-efficiency multiphoton boson sampling
H Wang, Y He, YH Li, ZE Su, B Li, HL Huang, X Ding, MC Chen, C Liu, ...
Nature Photonics 11 (6), 361-365, 2017
Ultrafast optical spin echo in a single quantum dot
D Press, K De Greve, PL McMahon, TD Ladd, B Friess, C Schneider, ...
Nature Photonics 4 (6), 367-370, 2010
Two-dimensional semiconductors in the regime of strong light-matter coupling
C Schneider, MM Glazov, T Korn, S Höfling, B Urbaszek
Nature communications 9 (1), 2695, 2018
AlAs∕ GaAs micropillar cavities with quality factors exceeding 150.000
S Reitzenstein, C Hofmann, A Gorbunov, M Strauß, SH Kwon, ...
Applied Physics Letters 90 (25), 2007
Ultrafast coherent control and suppressed nuclear feedback of a single quantum dot hole qubit
K De Greve, PL McMahon, D Press, TD Ladd, D Bisping, C Schneider, ...
Nature Physics 7 (11), 872-878, 2011
Room-temperature Tamm-plasmon exciton-polaritons with a WSe2 monolayer
N Lundt, S Klembt, E Cherotchenko, S Betzold, O Iff, AV Nalitov, M Klaas, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 13328, 2016
Direct observation of correlations between individual photon emission events of a microcavity laser
J Wiersig, C Gies, F Jahnke, M Aßmann, T Berstermann, M Bayer, ...
Nature 460 (7252), 245-249, 2009
Exciton-polariton trapping and potential landscape engineering
C Schneider, K Winkler, MD Fraser, M Kamp, Y Yamamoto, ...
Reports on Progress in Physics 80 (1), 016503, 2016
Towards polariton blockade of confined exciton–polaritons
A Delteil, T Fink, A Schade, S Höfling, C Schneider, A İmamoğlu
Nature materials 18 (3), 219-222, 2019
Electrically driven quantum dot-micropillar single photon source with 34% overall efficiency
T Heindel, C Schneider, M Lermer, SH Kwon, T Braun, S Reitzenstein, ...
Applied Physics Letters 96 (1), 2010
Near-transform-limited single photons from an efficient solid-state quantum emitter
H Wang, ZC Duan, YH Li, S Chen, JP Li, YM He, MC Chen, Y He, X Ding, ...
Physical Review Letters 116 (21), 213601, 2016
Up on the Jaynes–Cummings ladder of a quantum-dot/microcavity system
J Kasprzak, S Reitzenstein, EA Muljarov, C Kistner, C Schneider, ...
Nature materials 9 (4), 304-308, 2010
Deterministic and robust generation of single photons from a single quantum dot with 99.5% indistinguishability using adiabatic rapid passage
YJ Wei, YM He, MC Chen, YN Hu, Y He, D Wu, C Schneider, M Kamp, ...
Nano letters 14 (11), 6515-6519, 2014
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