Pritasari Palupiningsih
Pritasari Palupiningsih
Institut Teknologi PLN
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Sistem basis data (perancangan dan implementasi)
P Palupiningsih, AL Kalua, RR Suryono, I Triyanto, RI Putra
CV. Keranjang Teknologi Media, Bandar Lampung: CV. Keranjang Teknologi Media, 83, 2023
Employee Performance Evaluation Using Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) with PIPRECIA-S Weighting: A Case Study in Education Institution
H Sulistiani, P Palupiningsih, F Hamidy, PL Sari, Y Khairunnisa
2023 International Conference on Informatics, Multimedia, Cyber and …, 2023
Determining Best Graduates Using TOPSIS with Surrogate Weighting Procedures Approach
AA Aldino, P Palupiningsih, GF Laxmi, ED Mega, I Septiana
2023 International Conference on Networking, Electrical Engineering …, 2023
Prototipe Sistem Monitoring Penggunaan Daya Listrik Peralatan Elektronik Rumah Tangga Berbasis Internet of Things
B Prayitno, P Palupiningsih
Klasifikasi Untuk Memprediksi Pembayaran Kartu Kredit Macet Menggunakan Algoritma C4. 5
PA Mardhiyah, RRA Siregar, P Palupiningsih
Jurnal Teknologia 3 (1), 493267, 2020
New TOPSIS: Modification of the TOPSIS Method for Objective Determination of Weighting.
H Sulistiani, A Pasaribu, P Palupiningsih, K Anwar, VH Saputra
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering & Systems 17 (5), 2024
Implementasi Algoritma Fp-Growth Untuk Penentuan Rekomendasi Produk Umkm Berdasarkan Frekuensi Pembelian
RMDB Akbar, P Palupiningsih, B Prayitno
Jurnal Teknoinfo 17 (2), 493-501, 2023
Employing PIPRECIA-S weighting with MABAC: a strategy for identifying organizational leadership elections
S Setiawansyah, SH Hadad, AA Aldino, P Palupiningsih, GF Laxmi, ...
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 13 (6), 4273-4284, 2024
Klasifikasi Pesan Gangguan Pelanggan Menggunakan Metode Naive Bayes Classifier
H Haryono, P Palupiningsih, Y Asri, ANS Handayani
Kilat 7 (2), 100-108, 2018
Analisis Perbandingan Performa Model Klasifikasi Kesehatan Daun Tomat menggunakan arsitektur VGG, MobileNet, dan Inception V3
P Palupiningsih, AR Sujiwanto, RRBP Prawirodirjo
Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Agri-Informatika 10 (1), 98-110, 2023
Prototipe Sistem Monitoring Penggunaan Daya Listrik Peralatan Elektronik Rumah Tangga Berbasis Internet of Things. Petir, 12 (1), 72–80
B Prayitno, P Palupiningsih
Pendampingan Masyarakat Dalam Pengaplikasian Sistem Informasi Pelayanan Dan Managemen Desa Berbasis Android Aplikasi Kelor Di Desa Citimun
P Palupiningsih, A Dahroni, RI Putra, MF Pratama, B Prayitno, E Putra
Journal of Social Sciences and Technology for Community Service (JSSTCS) 4 …, 2023
Best Sales Selection Using a Combination of Reciprocal Rank Weighting Method and Multi-Attribute Utility Theory
P Palupiningsih, S Setiawansyah
Journal of Computing and Informatics Research 3 (3), 242− 250-242− 250, 2024
Pembentukan Model Klasifikasi Data Lama Studi Mahasiswa Stmik Indonesia Menggunakan Decision Tree Dengan Algoritma Nbtree
S Gunawan, P Palupiningsih
Hybrid Logarithmic Percentage Change-Driven Objective Weighting and Grey Relational Analysis Method in Employee Contract Renewal
S Setiawansyah, Y Rahmanto, AA Aldino, A Yudhistira, P Palupiningsih, ...
TIN: Terapan Informatika Nusantara 4 (12), 758-768, 2024
Modification of Multi-Attribute Utility Theory in Determining Scholarship Recipient Students
MW Arshad, S Setiawansyah, Y Rahmanto, P Palupiningsih, S Maryana
BEES Bull. Electr. Electron. Eng 5 (1), 10-19, 2024
Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring dan Controlling Penggunaan Daya Peralatan Listrik Rumah Tangga Menggunakan IoT
A Muhammad, B Prayitno, RI Putra, E Putra, P Palupiningsih
Automatic Watering Systems in Vertical Farming Using the Adaline Algorithm
RRA Siregar, P Palupiningsih, IS Lailah, IBM Sangadji, S Sukmajati, ...
International Seminar of Science and Applied Technology (ISSAT 2020), 429-435, 2020
Smart kWh Meter Model with Energy Control and Monitoring on Low Voltage Electricity
RRA Siregar, YK Ningsih, P Palupiningsih, B Prayitno
International Seminar of Science and Applied Technology (ISSAT 2020), 227-232, 2020
Implementation of cart Algorithm for Monitoring System and Prediction of Electric Power use of IOT-Based Household Equipment
P Palupiningsih, B Prayitno
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1477 (3), 032014, 2020
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Articles 1–20