Yang Xiao
Yang Xiao
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Fast and dephasing-tolerant preparation of steady Knill-Laflamme-Milburn states via dissipative Rydberg pumping
RH Zheng, Y Xiao, SL Su, YH Chen, ZC Shi, J Song, Y Xia, SB Zheng
Physical Review A 103 (5), 052402, 2021
Effective implementation of nonadiabatic geometric quantum gates of cat-state qubits using an auxiliary qutrit
YH Kang, Y Xiao, ZC Shi, Y Wang, JQ Yang, J Song, Y Xia
New Journal of Physics 25 (3), 033029, 2023
Accurate parity meter based on coherent state measurement
Y Xiao, RH Zheng, Y Liu, YH Kang, J Song, Y Xia
Annalen der Physik 534 (2), 2100461, 2022
Precise Nondestructive Parity Measurement of Artificial Atoms Using a Superconducting Resonator and Homodyne Measurement
Y Xiao, YH Kang, RH Zheng, Y Liu, Y Wang, J Song, Y Xia
Advanced Quantum Technologies 6 (5), 2200192, 2023
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