Benjamin Braatz
Benjamin Braatz
Graph-IT GmbH, Köln
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Clock skew based remote device fingerprinting demystified
F Lanze, A Panchenko, B Braatz, A Zinnen
2012 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 813-819, 2012
A generic component framework for system modeling
H Ehrig, F Orejas, B Braatz, M Klein, M Piirainen
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering: 5th International Conference …, 2002
Letting the puss in boots sweat: Detecting fake access points using dependency of clock skews on temperature
F Lanze, A Panchenko, B Braatz, T Engel
Proceedings of the 9th ACM symposium on Information, computer and …, 2014
Triple graph grammars in the large for translating satellite procedures
F Hermann, S Gottmann, N Nachtigall, H Ehrig, B Braatz, G Morelli, ...
Theory and Practice of Model Transformations: 7th International Conference …, 2014
A generic framework for connector architectures based on components and transformations
H Ehrig, J Padberg, B Braatz, M Klein, F Orejas, S Pérez, E Pino
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 108, 53-67, 2004
Graph transformations for the resource description framework
B Braatz, C Brandt
Electronic Communications of the EASST 10, 2008
Finitary-Adhesive Categories
B Braatz, H Ehrig, K Gabriel, U Golas
International Conference on Graph Transformation, 234-249, 2010
On an automated translation of satellite procedures using triple graph grammars
F Hermann, S Gottmann, N Nachtigall, B Braatz, G Morelli, A Pierre, ...
Theory and Practice of Model Transformations: 6th International Conference …, 2013
A component framework for system modeling based on high-level replacement systems
H Ehrig, F Orejas, B Braatz, M Klein, M Piirainen
Software & Systems Modeling 3, 114-135, 2004
How to delete categorically—two pushout complement constructions
B Braatz, U Golas, T Soboll
Journal of Symbolic Computation 46 (3), 246-271, 2011
Object-oriented connector-component architectures
H Ehrig, B Braatz, M Klein, F Orejas, S Pérez, E Pino
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 141 (3), 123-151, 2005
An approach using formally well-founded domain languages for secure coarse-grained IT system modelling in a real-world banking scenario
C Brandt, T Engel, B Braatz, F Hermann, H Ehrig
Semantical integration of object-oriented viewpoint specification techniques
B Braatz, M Klein, G Schröter
Integration of Software Specification Techniques for Applications in …, 2004
Finitary-adhesive categories
K Gabriel, B Braatz, H Ehrig, U Golas
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 24 (4), 240403, 2014
Correctness and Completeness of Generalised Concurrent Model Synchronisation Based on Triple Graph Grammars.
S Gottmann, F Hermann, N Nachtigall, B Braatz, C Ermel, H Ehrig, ...
AMT@ MoDELS, 2013
How to Modify on the Semantic Web? A Web Application Architecture for Algebraic Graph Transformations on RDF
B Braatz, C Brandt
International Conference on Web Engineering, 187-198, 2010
A framework for families of domain-specific modelling languages
B Braatz, C Brandt
Software & Systems Modeling 13 (1), 109-132, 2014
Formal modelling and application of graph transformations in the resource description framework
B Braatz
A transformation-based component framework for a generic integrated modeling technique
H Ehrig, F Orejas, B Braatz, M Klein, M Piirainen
Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science 6 (4), 78-104, 2002
Solving the FIXML2Code-case Study with HenshinTGG.
F Hermann, N Nachtigall, B Braatz, T Engel, S Gottmann
TTC@ STAF, 32-46, 2014
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