Max Lesch
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Unlocking the agency of the governed: contestation and norm dynamics
L Zimmermann, N Deitelhoff, M Lesch
Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal 2 (5), 691-708, 2017
Praxistheorien und Normenforschung in den Internationalen Beziehungen: Zum Beitrag der pragmatischen Soziologie
M Lesch
Zeitschrift diskurs 2, 31-54, 2017
Informal human rights law-making: How treaty bodies use ‘General Comments’ to develop international law
M Lesch, N Reiners
Global Constitutionalism 12 (2), 378-401, 2023
Multiplicity, hybridity and normativity: disputes about the UN convention against corruption in Germany
M Lesch
International Relations 35 (4), 613-633, 2021
International Norm Disputes: The Link Between Contestation and Norm Robustness
L Zimmermann, N Deitelhoff, M Lesch, A Arcudi, A Peez
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023
From Norm Violations to Norm Development: Deviance, International Institutions, and the Torture Prohibition
M Lesch
International Studies Quarterly 67 (3), sqad043, 2023
Field Overlaps, Normativity, and the Contestation of Practices in China's Belt and Road Initiative
M Lesch, DMH Loh
Global Studies Quarterly 2 (4), ksac068, 2022
Contested Facts: The Politics and Practice of International Fact-Finding Missions
M Lesch
International Studies Review 25 (3), viad034, 2023
Norm Contestation in the Law Against War: Towards an Interdisciplinary Analytical Framework
M Lesch, C Marxsen
Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht/Heidelberg …, 2023
There is Life in the Old Dog Yet: Assessing the Strength of the International Torture Prohibition
M Lesch, L Zimmermann
Tracing Value Change in the International Legal Order: Perspectives from …, 2023
Contestation from Within: Norm Dynamics and the Crisis of the Liberal International Order
M Lesch, L Zimmermann, N Deitelhoff
Global Studies Quarterly 4 (2), ksae022, 2024
Dynamics of Deviance: Torture and Its Prohibition in World Politics
M Lesch
Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität zu Frankfurt am Main, 2020
Devianz als Vermittlung zwischen Fakt und Norm: Epistemische Praktiken und fact-finding internationaler Organisationen
M Lesch
Zeitschrift diskurs, 12-26, 2022
China’s Strategic Practices in the Belt and Road Initiative
M Lesch, DMH Loh
Global Cooperation Research: A Quarterly Magazine 3 (1), 19-22, 2021
Nur ein Feigenblatt? Deutschlands langer Weg zur Ratifikation der UN-Konvention gegen Korruption
M Lesch
HSFK-Standpunkte 2014 (7), 2014
Regionale Sicherheitskulturen im Wandel: Schutzverantwortung in Südostasien und Afrika
M Lesch
Sicherheitskultur im Wandel Working Paper 2012 (10), 2012
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